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Just as Nancy thought that the household expenses had been put behind her for a few days at least, a fresh crop sprang up. A room must be papered, the spare room needed curtains, Bert's racket was broken, the children clamoured for new bathing-suits. Nancy knew two moods in the matter.

At this period, whenever he was at Cedar Crest, Larry saw Joe, his work apparently forgotten, gazing fixedly down upon the young figures splashing about the water in their bright bathing-suits or lounging about the pavilion in their smart summer frocks. This interest made Larry wonder, though to be sure not very seriously. For he had never a guess of how deep Joe's interest was.

And with this not very lucid statement of an undeniable fact, Cricket walked up the piazza steps and informed grandma of the state of affairs. Half an hour later Eunice appeared, driving a pair of depressed looking children before her, clad only in their little blue bathing-suits. She was hot and flushed, Zaidee cross and rebellious, and Helen tearful and subdued.

The cove was some little distance from the house, so, after scampering up the lane, their bathing-suits were almost dry. There were bathing-houses down there, but for this early morning dip they liked better to get into their bathing-suits at the house, and dress there.

Martie and John, beaming upon all the world, joined the long lines that straggled into the bath-houses, got their bundled suits and their gray towels, and followed the attendant along the aisles that were echoing with the sound of human voices, and running with the water from wet bathing-suits.

He raised his arms, spreading them out like a clergyman at a grave. He groaned deep in his chest. "Good Lord!" yelled the freckled man, starting up. "Tom, Tom, what's th' matter?" The tall man spoke in a fearful voice. "To New York," he said, "to New York in our bathing-suits." The freckled man sank back.

"South America!" Harriet gave a great sigh of joy. "You don't know how excited I am!" she said. "Three weeks on a big liner and we have to have bathing-suits, somebody said for the canvas tank, and they have all sorts of things on board. I've always wanted to go to Rio!" "There are eight big staterooms with baths on this liner," Richard said.

One of the novel pleasures in which most travelers indulge while in Honolulu is surf-riding at Waikiki, near Diamond Head. The sea, with a floor of lava and coral, is here shallow for a long distance out, and the surf comes in at intervals like a line of steeds cantering over a plain. We went out in our bathing-suits in a long, heavy dugout, with a lusty native oarsman in each end.

"Ah!" said the tall man, "delighted, I'm sure." There were a few moments of silence. The giants were hovering in the gloom and staring. Suddenly astonishment exploded the captain. "Wot th' devil " he shouted. "Wot th' devil yeh got on?" "Bathing-suits," said the tall man. The schooner went on. The two voyagers sat down and watched. After a time they began to shiver.

It is difficult to determine just where the beach begins and the street ends, because of the strollers in bathing-suits. Many a time, after a long fishing-day on the water, as I was walking up the middle of the street, I have been stunned to a gasp by the startling apparition of Venus or Hebe or Little Egypt or Annette Kellermann parading nonchalantly to and fro.