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Azalea's blonde head was full of pernicious sentimentality, though she was saved from actual indiscretions by her cold and vaporous temperament.

But it's all the go. This dress is, too, hope you like it, I do." The dress in question was a "sport suit" of a large-sized green and black check. It was cheap material, and badly cut, and its ill-fitting coat hung on Azalea's slim shoulders in baggy wrinkles.

He knew her, in some ways, far better than Van Reypen did, and he felt sure that when Azalea decided to go away, she would not be easily found. But Van Reypen started cheerily off and went to the studios. There he was met by blank disappointment. Mrs. Bixby was greatly interested in his story, and greatly concerned for Azalea's welfare, but she declared the girl had not come there.

Then, the child in one arm, she flung herself again on the pony's back, the animal prancing wildly, but tractable beneath Azalea's determined guidance, and they were off like the wind itself to a place of safety.

Bill had scolded her severely for taking the baby away without leave, and sternly forbidden her ever to do so again, and the girl had promised she would not. Patty had said nothing to her on the subject, feeling that she could best keep Azalea's friendliness by ignoring the matter, and she was trying very hard to teach the girl the amenities of social life. And Azalea was improving.

Azalea's eyes sparkled, "Oh, I don't mean I'm not sorry for her, I am, indeed! But " "But it gives you a chance! A wonderful chance, and if you can make good " "Oh, I can! I will! Shall I come now?" "No; but you must come to-morrow morning at nine, sharp. Will you?" "Indeed I will! I'll be there on time." "And tell your people about it, don't you think you'd better?" "Oh," Azalea's face fell.

I do my own hair, too," and she shook down her mop of golden curls, to Azalea's hearty admiration. Patty's dining-room was beautiful. She argued that as an appreciable percentage of one's waking hours were spent there, care and thought should be given to its appointment. The colouring was soft old blue, and the furniture of mahogany.

"You naughty girl!" cried Patty, but as she noted Azalea's pale face and worried, harassed eyes, she just clasped her in her arms, with a little crooning murmur of affection. "It's all right, whatever it is," she reassured, for Azalea turned big, frightened eyes on Farnsworth. "You bet it's all right!" Philip cried, as he stepped eagerly forward.

I know how careful Nurse and Patty are about that! You must be crazy to think I'd give Baby anything!" Azalea's honesty was unmistakable, Elise couldn't doubt she was speaking the truth. She began to think Nurse Winnie had imagined the soothing syrup. The two girls went home, and Elise said no word to any one of Azalea's strange disappearance for a time.

Two minutes later I found him making his bed. "Go away," he commanded me. "It'll be ship-shape, never fear. You remember I was sent to a military school when I was a youngster." From below, as I made Azalea's bed, the strains of one of the Liszt Hungarian Rhapsodies floated up to me. Azalea was playing.