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«Quant aux ardoises que se trouvent interposées au milieu de ces grès et de ces poudingues, § 1054, elles sont de nature argilleuse, et dans l'ordre des pierres que l'on nomme secondaires. «Ces ardoises, de même que toutes les pierres de ces montagnes, ont leurs couches dans une situation verticale: mais nous avons vu qu'il y a lieu de croire qu'elles ont été anciennement horizontales

If poetry, in order to be worthy of the nineteenth century, ought to be as unlike as possible to Homer or Sophocles, Virgil or Horace, Shakespeare or Spenser, Dante or Tasso, let those too-idolised names be erased henceforth from the calendar; let the "Ars Poetica" be consigned to flames, and Martinus Scriblerus's "Art of Sinking" placed forthwith on the list of the Committee of Council for Education, that not a working man in England may he ignorant that, whatsoever superstitions about art may have haunted the benighted heathens who built the Parthenon, nous avons change tout cela.

"'Monsieur, vous avez un fils qui fait de la peinture. "'Oui, monsieur. "'Il a du merite. Il a beaucoup d'avenir. "'Ah, said I, 'c'est une belle chose que l'avenir. "The elderly French gentleman rolled up the whites of his eyes and answered: "'Oui, c'est une belle chose; mais vous et moi, nous n'en avons pas beaucoup! "Superfluous information!

No doubt the fellow has committed an unpardonable sin in daring to come into the world when there was no call for him; one used to think, certainly, that children's opinions were not consulted on such points before they were born, and that therefore it might be hard to visit the sins of the fathers on the children, even though the labour-market were a little overstocked "mais nous avons change tout cela," like M. Jourdain's doctors.

"Nous ne décrivons jamais mieux la nature que lorsque nous nous efforçons d'exprimer sobrement et simplement l'impression que nous en avons reçue." M. ANDRÉ THEURIET, "L'Automne dans les Bois," Revue des Deux Mondes, 1st Oct. 1874, p. 562.

Nous avons trouve un grand nombre des dialogues du meilleur comique, c'est a dire ceux ou les personnages se developpent sans le vouloir, et sont plaisants sans songer a l'etre. Il y a des scenes charmantes dans 'Madame de Fleury. Ne craignez pas les difficultes, c'est la ou vous brillez." To MISS HONORA EDGEWORTH. Nov 30. We have had a bevy of wits here Mr. Chenevix, Mr.

On sait que la tristesse annonce le genie; Nous avons deja fait des progres etonnans, Que de tristes ecrits que de tristes romans! Des plus noires horreurs nous sommes idolatres, Et la melancolie a gagne nos theatres." "What!" cried I, "are you so well acquainted with my favourite book?" "Your's!" exclaimed Vincent. "'Tell us what hath chanced to-day, That Caesar looks so sad?"

Nous avons change tout cela is true of every generation in medicine, changed oftentimes by improvement, sometimes by fashion or the pendulum-swing from one extreme to another. On my way back from the hospital I used to stop at the beautiful little church St. Etienne du Mont, and that was one of the first places to which I drove after looking at my student-quarters. All was just as of old.

Instead of signing with their marks, the kings of modern times have turned ushers; instead of reading with difficulty, we have a mob of noblemen who write with ease; and, now-a-days, it is every duke, ay, and every duchess her own book-maker! A year or two hence, however, and all this will have become obsolete. Nous avons changé tout cela! No more letter-press!

Instantly the major singled out the leading critic: two grenadiers forced their way to the place where he was seated, and conveyed him to prison for having had the audacity to reprove an actress in favour at court. From such improper exercise of authority, the following verse had become a proverb: "II est bien des sifflets, mais nous avons la garde."