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"In answer to your letter, I can assure you that you must not conceive me to be wanting in those finer feelings which are the chief adornment of humanity. It is true that for some years, absorbed as I have been in affairs of the highest importance, I have seldom taken a pen in hand, for which I can assure you that I have been reproached by many des plus charmantes of your charming sex.

Nous avons trouve un grand nombre des dialogues du meilleur comique, c'est a dire ceux ou les personnages se developpent sans le vouloir, et sont plaisants sans songer a l'etre. Il y a des scenes charmantes dans 'Madame de Fleury. Ne craignez pas les difficultes, c'est la ou vous brillez." To MISS HONORA EDGEWORTH. Nov 30. We have had a bevy of wits here Mr. Chenevix, Mr.

To her surprise Eau Clair, standing beside her, said as follows: "Charmantes Demoiselles, Mesdames et Messieurs: It has been a time honoured custom in our family for generations, that on the heir to the estate attaining his majority, on his throwing off the careless garb of garcon, and donning the somewhat grave habiliments," taking up the corner of his dress-coat with a smile, "of the man.

One moment of reward for two days of indescribable hurry I have at this quiet interval after breakfast, and I seize it to tell you that Fanny is quite well: so far for health. For beauty, I have only to say that I am told by everybody that my sisters are lovely in English, and charmantes in French.

They have such appetites that I generally call them 'my two little pigs. There is a delightful French waiting-maid at dinner here who says they are both 'charmantes, but highly approves of my title for them nevertheless." "NEUFCHATEL, 10th May, 1866.

L'auteur est des plus sympathiques; il a des manieres charmantes si modestes et si intelligentes, car les manieres peuvent montrer de l'intelligence. J'aime beaucoup les deux freres, et dans le peu de temps que je les ai vus j'en ai fait des amis. "Mercredi j'ai dine chez moi, ayant un article a ecrire. Jeudi chez Stephen Pearce. Vendredi chez Mr. Wallis, le marchand de tableaux.

"Ce sont des richesses que nous possedons en abondance & vos festins ne se peuuent pas termíner plus agreablement que par nos dragées de Verdun en vos quartiers. Elles ont parmy les charmantes delicatesses de leur succre, de leur canelle, & de leur anis, vne douce & suaue odeur qui égale celles de l'air de nos Canaries, c'est

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