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Crass and the others through the window watched him assist the Semi-drunk to his feet and rub some of the dirt off his clothes, and presently after some argument they saw the two go away together arm in arm. Crass and the others laughed, and returned to their half-finished drinks. 'Why, old Joe ain't drunk 'ardly 'arf of 'is! cried Easton, seeing Philpot's porter on the counter.

Bill gave a groan and sat on the bed while 'e dried himself, and Ginger told 'im 'ow he 'ad bent a quart pot on the landlord's 'ead, and 'ow the landlord 'ad been carried upstairs and the doctor sent for. He began to tremble all over, and when Ginger said he'd go out and see 'ow the land lay 'e could 'ardly thank 'im enough.

Wot with 'is foolishness and his missis's temper, I see I 'ad made a mess of it. He told me she had 'ardly spoke a word to 'im for two days, and when I said being a married man myself that it might ha' been worse, 'e said I didn't know wot I was talking about. I did a bit o' thinking arter he 'ad gorn aboard agin.

There was so many complaints in it he was almost tempted to have something else instead of consumption, but he decided on that at last, an' he got a cough what worried the fo'c'sle all night long, an' the next day, when the skipper came down to see Dan, he could 'ardly 'ear hisself speak. "'That's a nasty cough you've got, my man, ses he, looking at Harry.

No vision came to me, and I had no relevant dreams. The next morning at seven o'clock I saw Mrs. Stott come over the Common to fetch her milk from the farm. I waited until her business was done, and then I went out and walked back with her. "I want to understand about your son," I said by way of making an opening. She looked at me quickly. "You know, 'e 'ardly ever speaks to me, sir," she said.

Specially, if I may say so, to see Scotland, Miss. But, oh, ain't it bleak? Before it was dark I 'ad me eyes glued to the window, lookin' out. Such miles of 'eather and big stones and torrents, Miss, and nothing to be seen but a lonely sheep 'ardly an 'ouse on the 'orizon. It gave me quite a turn." "And this is nothing to the Highlands, Mawson." "Ain't it, Miss?

Says he's never seed 'im, though; nobody 'ardly ever does, from all accounts 'e give me. Ole Black Whiskers and our silent-footed friend Borkins is the main ones wot does 'is work for 'im." "H'm. Well, that's something gleaned, anyway. Of course we may be able to find out who he really is, but the chances are small. Men like this chap don't go giving away anything more than they can help.

"Begging your pardon, sir," puts in Nimms, "but that could 'ardly be so, sir, seeing as 'ow 'is sticks are still 'ere. That's the strange part of 'is disappearance, sir. 'E never travels without 'is bag of sticks. And they're in that closet, sir." "Couldn't he rent an outfit, or borrow one?" I suggests. "He could," says Mr. Robert, "but he wouldn't. No more than you would rent a toothbrush.

So now you know." He walked back into the bar whistling, and George Dixon, arter sitting still for a long time thinking, got up and went into the bar, and he'd 'ardly got his foot inside afore Charlie caught 'old of 'im by the shoulder and shoved 'im back into the parlour agin. "I told you wot it would be," ses Mrs. Dixon, looking up from 'er sewing.

'Oh, Bill, I am surprised! "My throat was so dry I couldn't 'ardly speak. 'It's my missis, I ses, at last. "'Your missis? ses the skipper. 'Woes she 'iding behind there for? "'She she's shy, I ses. 'Always was, all 'er life. She can't bear other people. She likes to be alone with me. "'Oh, watchman! ses the boy. 'I wonder where you expect to go to?