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He spent arf the night crawling about on all fours looking for the clothes, and four or five times old Isaac woke up from dreams of earthquakes to find Peter 'ad got jammed under 'is bed, and was wondering what 'ad 'appened to 'im. None of 'em was in the best o' tempers when they woke up next morning, and Ginger 'ad 'ardly got 'is eyes open before Isaac was asking 'im about 'is clothes agin.

Arter that Joe and 'is wife 'ad words all night long, and next morning old Clark, coming in from the garden, was just in time to see 'im kick the cat right acrost the kitchen. He could 'ardly speak for a minute, and when 'e could Joe see plain wot a fool he'd been. Fust of all 'e called Joe every name he could think of which took 'im a long time and then he ordered 'im out of 'is house.

"I've 'ardly seen 'im myself; not to speak to, that is." "He might come with his mother," suggested Crashaw. Challis shook his head. "By the way, it is the mother whom you would proceed against?" he asked. "The parent is responsible," said Mr. Forman. "She will be brought before a magistrate and fined for the first offence." "I shan't fine her if she comes before me," replied Challis.

Those as have little give freely to them as have none I to-day, you to-morrow. The world would be a poor place else, 'specially for the likes o' we." "Do you mean that all who tramp the road know each other?" "Well, 'ardly that, brother. To be sure, I know most o' the reg'lar padding-coves, but you don't have to know a man to help him." "Are you acquainted with a peddler called Gabbing Dick?"

Up I nips to Miss Mackwayte's room on the first floor and in I bursts. 'Miss, sez I, 'Miss, there's been burglars in the house! and then I sees the pore lamb all tied up there on 'er blessed bed! Lor, mister, the turn it give me and I ain't telling you no lies! She was strapped up that tight with a towel crammed in 'er mouth she couldn't 'ardly dror 'er breath!

"I tried'em: thirty-seven was empty, and a pasty-faced chap at forty-seven nearly made 'imself ill over the name of 'Kiddem. It 'adn't struck me before, but it's a hard matter to deceive me, and all in a flash it come over me that I 'ad been done agin, and that the gal was as bad as 'er brother. "I was so done up I could 'ardly crawl back, and my 'ead was all in a maze.

"I've slept on that mattress for years," says the second mate, looking at 'im from the corner of 'is eye. "I don't believe I could sleep on another. Still, to oblige you, Bill, you shall 'ave it at that if you don't want it till we go ashore?" "Thankee, sir," says Bill, 'ardly able to keep from dancing, "and I'll 'and over the two pounds when we're paid off.

"They was very short about it," continued Ben, sourly; "the old party got that excited she could 'ardly keep still, but the young lady she said good riddance to bad rubbish, she ses. She hoped as 'ow he'd be punished." Flower started, and then smiled softly to himself. "Perhaps she's found somebody else," he said. Ben grunted.

'Oh, doctor, said Mrs. Kemp, as he was going, 'could yer give me somethin' for my rheumatics? I'm a martyr to rheumatism, an' these cold days I 'ardly knows wot ter do with myself. An', doctor, could you let me 'ave some beef-tea? My 'usbind's dead, an' of course I can't do no work with my daughter ill like this, an' we're very short . The day passed, and in the evening Mrs.

Wot did you do with those little bits o' watch you found when you was bandaging me up, missis?" "Don't ask me," ses Mrs. Pretty. "I was in such a state I don't know wot I was doing 'ardly." "Well, they must be about somewhere," ses Bob. "You 'ave a look for 'em, Dicky, and if you find 'em, keep 'em. They belong to you."