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Sam and Peter followed 'im out like lambs, 'ardly daring to look over their shoulder at Ginger, who was staggering arter them some distance behind a 'olding a handerchief to 'is face. "It's your turn to pay, Sam," ses Bill, when they'd got inside the next place. "Wot's it to be? Give it a name."

The mate came up from the cabin just then, and o' course he 'ad to tell me there was somebody knocking at the gate. "Ain't you going to open it?" ses the skipper, staring at me. "Let 'em ring," I ses, off-hand. The words was 'ardly out of my mouth afore they did ring, and if they 'ad been selling muffins they couldn't ha' kept it up harder.

As you know, that there waterfall takes a lot of reaching, but I gets there at last, and there he was a-sitting in the stream. Lord, I 'ardly knew 'im, he looked so young and vigorous, and full o' life. He wanted me to bathe, but I'd had a wash on'y a day or two before, and I wouldn't.

Indeed, he was in the habit of informing those he called his colleagues that unless he shaved three times a day he wasn't 'ardly decent. "I got to keep at it, sir," he confided now to Mr. Silver. "Else I gets it from Miss Boy." "What d'you get from her?" asked the young man blandly. "A razor?" Old Cherry chuckled. "'E larders his chin and then scrapes the soap off," he said.

"In the garden, practisin' walkin' all by 'imself." "Was that the only time?" "Only time I've 'eard 'im." "Was it lately?" "'Bout six weeks ago." "And he has never made a sound otherwise, cried, laughed?" "'Ardly. 'E gives a sort o' grunt sometimes, when 'e wants anything and points." "He's very intelligent." "Worse than that, 'e's a freak, I tell you."

Bunnett one day to tell 'im that Joe Parsons 'ad been putting down rat-poison and killed five little baby rats and their mother. "It was some time afore anybody knew that Bob Pretty 'ad got 'is eye on that gold watch, and when they did they could 'ardly believe it.

By the time you two have 'ad your share, besides taking wot I owe you, there'll be 'ardly anything left." "I'll talk to you another time," said Mr. Kidd, regarding him fixedly. "Wot you've got to do now is to come acrost the river with us." "What for?" demanded Mr. Gibbs.

Bunnett good-bye becos 'e said he'd got to get back to 'is work, and Mr. Bunnett had 'ardly got 'ome afore Henery Walker turned up full of anxiousness to ask his advice about five little baby kittens wot 'is old cat had found in the wash-place: the night afore. "'Drownd them little innercent things, same as most would do, I can't, he ses, shaking his 'ead; 'but wot to do with 'em I don't know.

"I can gin'rally find things when I want to." "You find me that cat, alive and well, and the money's yours, Bob," ses George, 'ardly able to speak, now that 'e fancied the cat was still alive. Bob Pretty shook his 'ead. "No; that won't do," he ses. "S'pose I did 'ave the luck to find that pore animal, you'd say I'd had it all the time and refuse to pay."

When I said I had 'ad enough, 'e contradicted me and kept on, but he got tired of it at last, and, arter telling me wot he would do if I ever walked 'is wife out agin, they went off like a couple o' love-birds. By the time I got 'ome next morning my eyes was so swelled up I could 'ardly see, and my nose wouldn't let me touch it.