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En effet cela a eu plus d’effet d’entendre l’avocat, emporté par je ne sais quelle mystèrieuse poussée, crier, après avoir cité les principes ainsi: ‘Monsieur le Juge! n’est-ce pas en somme l’idéal vers lequel marche actuellement notre pays avec en tète notre Grand Gazi?’”

Disraeli says that each of the royal family and each nobleman chose for his favorite song a psalm expressive of his own feeling or sentiments. The Dauphin, as became a brave huntsman, chose "Ainsi qu'on vit le cerf bruyre," "As the hart panteth after the water-brook," and he gayly and noisily sang it when he went to the chase. The Queen chose "Ne vueilles pas, o sire, Me reprendre en ton ire."

"Come, come, mon brave," he continued, seeing that my dejection was beyond the point where it could be laughed away; and accommodating himself to my humour, with the native delicacy of his race "I have myself, suffered: ainsi, I can condoles! You know, my dear, youngish friends, when I was deporte de mon pays, he?"

"Diantre! It seems fated, then, that we are not to part company so easily; for hadst thou remained in Paris, lad, we had most probably never met again." "Ainsi je suis bien tombé, general," said I, punning upon my accident. He laughed heartily, less I suppose at the jest, which was a poor one, than at the cool impudence with which I uttered it; and then turning to one of the staff, said

Yet, nevertheless, Professor Max Muller, who, as already mentioned, was never in India, sits as a judge and corrects chronological tables as is his wont, and Europe, taking his words for those of an oracle, endorses his decisions. Et c'est ainsi que s'ecrit l'histoire.

Tout en disant ainsi, je jette ma pierre d'une main tremblante, et avec un horrible battement de coeur, mais si heureusement qu'elle va frapper au beau-milieu de l'arbre: ce qui veritablement n'etoit pas difficile: car j'avois eu soin de le choisir fort gros et fort pres. Depuis lors je n'ai plus doubte de mon salut.

Ainsi n'en parlons plus. I have just been reading an excellent article on the Catacombs, in the 'Edinburgh Review. It is a subject which has always interested me, but very likely I should not have begun with this particular article if I had not known it was by you. Circourt wrote to me about it, and so deprived me of the pleasure of finding it out for myself, which I think I could have done.

I expected the light lank hair and the heavy unlifting step of the people whose only emotions are in music. But it was too early for any one to be about, and my German garden, si j'ose m'exprimer ainsi, had to suffice me for an impression of the Central Europeans. I gazed at it a little while as it grew lighter. I went out into the road and sighed profoundly.

The features of him he addressed suddenly lost their scornful expression, and sheathing his sword with an air of almost melodramatic solemnity, he gravely pulled up his mustaches, and after a pause of a few seconds, solemnly ejaculated a malediction upon his fortune. "C'est toujours ainsi," said he, with a bitterness that only a Frenchman can convey when cursing his destiny.

M. Klotz propose de mettre en tête de cette addition les mots: "Sous réserve de toutes revendications et restaurations ultérieures de la part des Alliés et des Etats-Unis." Il est ainsi décidé.