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Numerous songs and epigrams, of which the unfortunate abbes were the subjects, also appeared at this time. The letters which composed the words "l'Abbe Miolan" were found to form the anagram, Ballon abime "the balloon swallowed up." The most extravagant balloon project was that of Robertson, who published a scheme for making a tour of the world. The following is this aeronaut's prospectus:

For my part, I make it a principle not to stay long in these semi-barbarous places, for after a certain time, they bore me to that degree I am quite abime. I shall, however, do mon possible to have the honour of seeing you again." And then, with a smile of yet greater insipidity, he protested he was reduced to despair in leaving her, and walked on.

The Frenchman visits England; he is abime d'ennui at our stately dinners; shrugs his shoulders at our corps de ballet, and laughs a gorge deployee at our passion for driving, and our partial affection for roast beef and plum pudding.

Captain Aresby, being applied to by some of the ladies to remonstrate upon this unexampled behaviour, advanced to him, and said, "I am quite abime, Sir, to incommode you, but the commands of the ladies are insuperable. Give me leave, Sir, to entreat that you would put on your wig." "My wig?" cried he, "ay, ay, shall in a moment, only want to wipe my head first."

I can remember one; it was a furious storm a day that nailed one in the house. There was something in the rage without that disturbed me; I wandered about the house, and found myself unable to settle to any task. Some one to speak to! Oh, it was so dreary to be alone. I went into my uncle's room where there were many books. Among those that were there I found one in French, (I have no idea how it came there, I am sure my uncle had never read it.) I carelessly turned it over, and finally became absorbed in it. I came upon this passage: Quel plus noir abîme d'angoisse y a-t-il an monde que le coeur d'un suicide? Quand le malheur d'un homme est

"Nous vimes l'endroit qu'on appelle le grand Sault Saint Jean-Baptiste, ou la riviere de Saint Jean faisant du haut d'un rocher fort eleve une terrible cascade dans un abime, forme un brouillard qui derobe l'eau a la veue, et fait un bruit qui avertit de loin les navigateurs de descendre de leurs canots." Medoctec was undoubtedly the principal Indian village on the St.

Can you bear it?" "Never!" replied she; "neither shall Le Gardeur!" With a plunge of her horse she forced her way close to Le Gardeur, and, leaning over him, laid her hand upon his shoulder and exclaimed in a voice choking with passion, "Comment, Le Gardeur! vous souffrez qu'un Malva comme ca vous abime de coups, et vous portez l'epee!"

I can't think for my life where he can be: but I have a notion he must have dropt down some where while I happened to be on the full gallop. Away again rode Morrice. "I am abime to the greatest degree," said the Captain, "that the poor little sweet fellow should be lost if I had thought him in any danger, I would have made it a principle to have had a regard to his person myself.

"Ah, miséricorde! Ah, mon dieu, je suis abîmé. I am ruin! I am done up! I am break all into ten sousan leetle pieces! I am von lame duck, and I shall vaddle across de gran ocean for Paris, vish is de only valuarble vatare privalege dat is left me

Mon Dieu! how afflicting! In that case, sixty would be possible for so rare a relic. Madame is abîmé, but it is not to be. Forty is the utmost; therefore Merci, and Bonjour. 'Hold! Where shall it be sent? cries the man, giving in, but not confessing it, with awkward frankness. A thousand thanks!