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As though in response to these words the maid again showed herself in the doorway. "Oh, Mrs. Carew," she eagerly exclaimed, "there's a little toy in the hall here, brought over by one of Mrs. Ocumpaugh's maids. The girl said that hearing that the little boy fretted, Mrs. Ocumpaugh had picked out one of her little girl's playthings and sent it over with her love.

But there was silence. Adolph's great shoulder pressed against the little windowpane, and a corner broke out and tinkled down. "Be careful!" scolded Ledermann. "You don't want to break this pretty toy. Come now, and tell me all you have done." "Not so much," said Adolph, "except I have talked to all the young recruits.

He makes one for each word I utter, as if he were a mechanical toy pulled by a string; when he is seated before me on the ground, he limits himself to a duck of the head always accompanied by the same hissing noise of the saliva. "A cup of tea, M. Kangourou?" Fresh salute and an extra affected gesticulation with the hands, as if to say, "I should hardly dare.

At present there is a diversity of opinion as to their points, but roughly they are a long flat head, wide between the eyes and tapering to the nose, which should be black. Ears erect and bat-like, straight legs and rather distinctive feet; some people say these are cat-like. Toy Bull-terriers ought to have an alert, gay appearance, coupled with refinement, which requires a nice whip tail.

"It's a fire engine, and it squirts real water. I'm going to put some in it, and play fire." He started for the kitchen with his toy, but Nan caught him. "Not just yet, little fat fireman," she said with a laugh, as she took him up in her arms. "You can't splash in the cold water until you have more clothes on. Get dressed and then you may play with your toys." "All right!" answered Freddie.

"Well, didn't I just TELL you " he began, but paused, while the renewal of some interesting recollection became visible in his expression. "Why, I COULD, if I wanted to," he said more calmly. "It wouldn't be a new one, maybe. I guess it would be kind of an old one, but " "Oh, a toy horn!" said Sam.

I did not mean to be cross with Sara, but my thoughts had taken a gloomy turn, and I could not recover my spirits: indeed, as we drove down Bond Street, where Sara had some glittering little toy to purchase, I reiterated my intention of not calling at Hyde Park Mansions. 'I do not want any tea, I said wearily, 'and I would rather go home. Give my love to Lesbia; I will see her another day.

Castles are done with bricks and cardboard turrets and a portcullis of card, and drawbridge and moats; they are a mere special sort of city-building, done because we have a box of men in armor. We could reconstruct all sorts of historical periods if the toy soldier makers would provide us with people.

There was so much to see that the Plush Bear did not know at which to look first, but, all of a sudden, he heard a voice saying: "Oh, I want that Plush Bear! I want that! Can he do any tricks?" The Plush Bear felt himself being lifted out of the show window of the toy shop. The springs inside him were wound up by Mr.

When I measured Dora's finger for a ring that was to be made of Forget-me-nots, and when the jeweller, to whom I took the measure, found me out, and laughed over his order-book, and charged me anything he liked for the pretty little toy, with its blue stones so associated in my remembrance with Dora's hand, that yesterday, when I saw such another, by chance, on the finger of my own daughter, there was a momentary stirring in my heart, like pain!