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Suggestive indeed that at the swellest of all swell affairs in the American metropolis there should appear, according to the press dispatches, "ten Mme. de Pompadours, eight Mme. de Maintenons, four Mme. de la Vallieres, and three Catherines of Russia." Good God! Has our "best society" come to such a pass that its proudest ladies delight to personate notorious prostitutes?"

He's a grand boy, the clerk says, and the swellest importer of ladies' wear in New York." Miss Sternberger leaned forward in her chair. "Is that Simon Arnheim?" "Sure. He's the one that introduced the hobble skoit. My Bella was one of the foist to wear one. There ain't a fad that he don't go over to Europe and get. He made a fortune off the hobble skoit alone." "Is that so?"

"As bad as that, was he?" says I. "I shall hate to tell him." "But it wasn't Babe, at all," she insists. "Don't you dare say it was, either. If you must know, it was that awful hotel life. I I just couldn't stand it." "Eh?" says I, and I expect I must have been gawpin' some. "Why, I understand you were at one of the swellest " "We were," says she. "That was the trouble.

"Criticize you? Lord, I should say not. They all keep telling me you're the swellest girl they ever saw." "Well, I've just fancied The merchants probably think I'm too fussy about shopping. I'm afraid I bore Mr. Dashaway and Mr. Howland and Mr. Ludelmeyer." "I can tell you how that is.

You're going to have one of the swellest outfits that ever happened. You'll make Paris ashamed of itself!" "No use blowing the whole roll on Maggie's clothes," put in Old Jimmie, speaking for the first time. Barney turned on him caustically, almost savagely. "You're a hell of a father, you are counting the pennies on his own daughter!

"Say, girlie, I'll give you the swellest meal of your young life to-night! Chicago Water Front and Terminal, Great Lakes and Canadian Southern, Mohawk and Housatonic, Bluff Creek and Iowa Central. 'Oh, Mabel!" It was at just about this period of the celebration that Mr. Tutt entered the outer office and sent in his name; and as Mr.

Swellest funeral New York ever had, remarked another, excepting one 'way back when he was a kid. At the corner below stood two patrol wagons, also waiting. Inside the house sat the carefully selected guests, hushed and stiff and gratified. The real, high-water mark in New York society was established at this memorable function. It was quite plain to every one that Mrs.

He proceeded to examine her with an expression of growing dissatisfaction. Said he fretfully: "You don't calculate to go out, looking like that?" "Out to the swellest blow-out of the year, popsy," said she. The big heavy looking head wobbled about uneasily. "You look too much like your old pappy's daughter," said he. "I can afford to," replied she. The head shook positively.

Of course, this is just a second-hand dress suit, but I think it looks all right, don't you?" "Billy," said Lydia, "last summer I was just a silly little girl. Now, I'm grown up. You were the swellest person at the ball to-night. You just wait till I tell your mother about it."

"She's my sweetheart and she is 'bout the swellest sweetheart they is." "She's mine, too," promptly replied Billy, who had fallen in love at first sight. "I's a-goin' to have her fer my sweetheart too." "Naw, she ain't yours, neither; she's mine," angrily declared the other little boy, kicking his rival's legs. "You all time talking 'bout you going to have Miss Cecilia for your sweetheart.