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But if he wor short o' wits when he gan up, he wor mich shorter when he cam down. That wor a rum skit! now I think on 't. Sich a seet he wor! He came by here six o'clock i' th' mornin. I found him hangin ower t' yard gate theer, as white an slamp as a puddin cloth oop on eend; an I browt him in, an was for gien him soom tay. An yor aunt, she gien him a warld o' good advice about his gooins on.

The Century of some years ago contained this witty skit from the pen of Bessie Chandler: And I sit here, thinking, thinking, How your life was one long winking At Thomas' faults and failings, and his undue share of bile! Won't you own, dear, just between us, That this living with a genius Isn't, after all, so pleasant, is it, Jeannie Welsh Carlyle?

His tone was so odd, so remote. "Many people have done such things. I know they have. Why why, it was only meant as a skit to make people laugh! There's no harm in it, William." Ashe, without speaking, took up the book and looked back at certain pages, which he seemed to have marked.

The wicked nuns throw off their grey wrappers, and appear glittering in scarlet and gold; the stage blazes with light, and the ballet, the famous "Pas de Fascination," begins. When really well done, this scene is tremendously impressive. I once heard in Paris, Levasseur, the French counterpart of our own Corney Grain, giving a skit on Robert le Diable, illustrating various stage conventions.

The publication of this skit drew from a wrathful professional an indignant letter, in which he declared that insomuch as he was the one and only exponent of the equilibristic art who could balance a lighted lamp upon his head, the picture which illustrated this piece of "business" must be intended as a portrait of himself, though he considered it very badly done, and a libellous production.

Jock Silbersteen is one of the pepper lads and slips you a dose of real laughter. Shoot the up and down to Jackson and West for graceful tappers. They run 1-2 under the wire. Provin and Adams will blow the blues in their laugh skit "Hootch Mon!" Something doing, boys. Listen to what the Hep Bird twitters. "Sounds like a juicy show to me. Let's all take it in," said Babbitt.

And, what do you think? The box was unlocked, though I locked it myself, and have the key; and a hat and wig and whiskers I wore when we played a skit on 'Trilby' were missing. If that isn't a clew, what is?" "A clew!" repeated the bewildered Robinson. "Yes. I'm telling you, though I kept dark before the other fellows. Didn't you say Grant's cheek was bleeding on Tuesday morning?" "I did."

The doctor was there all night, and he's now come home, and gone to bed." "One of the most unfortunate occurrences I ever heard of. Well, that that is, is and can't be helped. It was the editor of the True Blue who said this. "I 'spose we do," answered the son sturdily, though sulkily; "but that's the very best skit that Blank Blank ever did for us."

Another shorter prose skit of du Maurier's which is included in the same book satirises the splendid sort of hero, who conceals beneath a mask of indifference the power to do anything on earth better than anybody else. These prose skits show the neat irony that Punch was willing to encourage by attaching du Maurier to the literary, as well as to the artistic, staff.

A person remembers his last dream if awakened in a specific stage of dreaming, if the mind is devising some way to startle the dreamer into going to the bathroom, or if the examination of present problems in a skit becomes violent images running amuck.