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"Olympius told me all about her. I know plenty of the same sort in the Church. They fling away life and happiness as if they were apple-peelings to snatch at something which they believe to constitute salvation. It is folly, madness! pure unmitigated madness! To have sung in the temple of the she-devil Isis with Gorgo and the other worshippers would have cost her her seat in Paradise.

Mother Megges was kneeling in the chancel, as she thought at first, to say her prayers, till she perceived, for a ray from the setting sun showed it all, that on the paving before her lay the infant and that this she-devil was thrusting her thick forefinger down its throat, for already it grew black in the face, and as she thrust muttering savagely.

I found the woman had been taken to the city hospital several days before and whether she was dead or alive the head she-devil of the place didn't seem to know or care. "I found her at the hospital, sure enough. The doctor said she was getting better, and would probably live. I didn't know whether to be glad or sorry; and I was tempted to go home and write her a letter.

"I am better than that; I am honest." "Be sensible as well. The time is short. Sit down and let us arrange quickly." "I have told you, there is nothing to arrange," she answered. "Once for all, will you come? Yes or no," he said angrily. "No." "What are you going to do?" "Pay, Lucien, pay. Legrand will return, but he will not find you." "You she-devil!"

The figure on the floor stirred a little and groaned. A dark, wet stain was spreading on his shirt. Jack dropped to his knees beside him. "Through the shoulder," he said to the others. "No vital organ." "Can you hear me?" he asked of the wounded man. "A she-devil!" muttered Husky. "A devil!" "Where did she go?" "I don't know. Everything turned black. A devil had a gun in her dress!

"It is you who lie!" returned Judith, with increased fury, "that was my proposal." "Hold your tongue, you she-devil," cried Chowles, "it is you who have brought me into this strait and if you do not cease taunting me, I will silence you for ever." "Coward and fool!" cried Judith, "I will at least have the satisfaction of seeing you die before me."

Whatever may be the origin of Kâlî and of the strange images which represent her, she is now no she-devil who needs to be propitiated, but a reminder that birth and death are twins, that the horrors of the world come from the same source as its grace and beauty and that cheerful acceptance of the deity's terrible manifestations is an essential part of the higher spiritual life.

I ask merely for delay, so that the truth may be known before you engage yourself irrevocably to this young lady. 'I look upon my engagement as irrevocable! I have asked Mab to be my wife, I have given her a ring, I have won her heart; I should be a mean hound, cried George, lashing himself into a rage, 'if I gave her up for the lying gossip of an old she-devil like Mrs Pansey.

Henry caught his breath sharply. How came Julie to be back in the house? The she-devil! Spying upon him. By God! The reckoning was close at hand, and he crawled forward a pace, then stopped. Julie had vanished, and with her the light. Henry debated for a moment. With Julie in the house, his plans were changed.

He must recover young Arthur's reverence, which was doubtless dissolving all this time. "Now, Arthur," he whispered, "take a lesson from a gentleman of the old school. I hate this she-devil; but this is at my house, so observe." He then strutted jauntily and feebly up to Mrs. Bazalgette: "Madam, my niece says you are her guest; but permit me to dispute her title to that honor." Mrs.