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And even the courtly Hunter couldn't have said it with a manlier grace. He thereby stands revealed in his true colors. Why, he made me buy the old Clarion and hire Jim Dabney to run it, so his supply of mortuary gems shouldn't be cut off untimely. To-day he culled this one: Phileola dear, we cry because thou hast gone and left us, But well we know it is a merciful heaven which has bereft us.

But whether in the war he wou'd be great, Or, in the gentler arts that rule a state; Or, else his amorous breast he wou'd improve Well to receive the youthful cares of love. In his first years to poetry inclin'd, Let Homer's spring bedew his fruitful mind; His manlier years to manlier studies brought, Philosophy must next imply his thought.

Her fine eyes gazed dreamily at a smoke ring which she had sent floating towards the ceiling. "Jane," said Billie. "I believe you're thinking of somebody definite. Who is he?" The big-game huntress blushed. The embarrassment which she exhibited made her look manlier than ever. "I don't know his name." "But there is really someone?" "Yes." "How splendid! Tell me about him."

The volunteers filed on, filed on beardless youths mostly, a few with a touch of thought in the face, many with the honest nullity of the clerk and the shopman, some with the prizefighter's jaw, but every face set and serious. Ah! at last, there was her Simon manlier, handsomer than them all! But he did not see her: he marched on stiffly; he was already sucked up into this strange life.

Meanwhile he wore the steel cap of the home guard, the ringed neck mail, the close-fitting doublet of blue dotted over with red Douglas hearts and having the white cross of St. Andrew transversely upon it. About his waist was a peaked brace of shining plate armour, damascened in gold by Malise himself, and filling out his almost girlish waist to manlier proportions.

He preferred manlier crime and riskier deception to reviewing. As he read over the tales of rogues, he says, he became again what he had been as a boy, a necessitarian, and could not "imagine how, taking all circumstances into consideration, these highwaymen, these pickpockets, should have been anything else than highwaymen and pickpockets."

"That work belongs to littles," then forced him to vacate her domain and turn himself to the manlier duties of chopping wood and boughs. First, however, she showed him how to place two green foot-logs upon which the teapot and the frying-pan would sit without upsetting, and how long she wished the sticks of cooking-wood.

Almost simultaneously with this knowledge, came the unspoken assurance that she was the possessor of a worthier love, a manlier heart. She could not feel glad to know this, yet she was not sorry. Somehow it soothed her to know that she was not a forsaken, loveless maiden. It was something to possess the love of so good a man, even if she could make it no return. But Madeline.

His dark eye was scintillant; his nostril grew full; his shoulders fell back as if to exhibit his broad, compact figure in manlier outline; he seemed to feel that forty thousand men and women, and young children were looking upon him to see how he dared to die, and that for a generation his bearing should go into fireside descriptions.

Adding: 'Of course I stand for my class; and if we can't have a manlier people and it 's not likely in a country treating my brother so badly well, then, let things go on as they are. But it was the pretension to a part in the name of Ormont which so violently offended the democratic aristocrat, and caused her to resent it as an assault on the family honour, by 'a woman springing up out of nothing' a woman of no distinctive birth.