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"Hyar's thar tracks; tho' thar ain't no signs of the berra. I see how they've blinded us. By gosh! thar a kupple o' cunnin' old coons, whosomever they be." "How have they managed it?" "Tuk up the machine on thar shoulders, an' toted it thataway! See! thar's thar own tracks! They've gone out hyar atween these two trees." "Right, comrade that appears to be the way they've done it.

"Who does this stuff belong to, anyhow?" Buell was saying. "An' what was thet bear doin' in here?" "He was roped up hyar's the hitch," answered Bud. "An' hyar's a rifle Winchester ain't been used much. Buell, it's thet kid's!" I heard rapid footsteps and smothered exclamations. "Take it from me, you're right!" ejaculated Buell. "We jest missed him. Herky, them tracks out there?

Tell 'em hyar's old Hugh Glass, who war et by a grizzly b'ar an' is slick as a peeled onion; an' he wants his gun an' fixin's. Whar's the rascals that stole all my plunder?" Hugh Glass! A miracle! But he it was. "We thought you were dead and buried, man!" "Wall, I ain't, not by a jugful. An' I wants my plunder an' the scalps o' them two villains." "They aren't here. They're down at Atkinson."

"In that other shanty-boat, that little boat," Slip exclaimed. "We'll all go!" When they entered the little boat, which sagged under their combined weights, Slip held the light so it would shine on the cot. "Sho!" Rasba exclaimed. "Hyar's my friend who got shot by a lady!" "Yes, suh, Parson!" Prebol grinned, feebly.

Dat's right, Miss Euginny, yo' hyar's des es dry es I kin git it." When Delphy had gone, Dudley leaned down and put his arm about Eugenia as he kissed her. "All right, Eugie?" he asked cheerfully. Eugenia returned his caress with a startled pleasure, looking up at him affectionately, fascinated by the glow which hung about him.

We branched off the main trail and took a steeper one leading up the slope. We rode for hours. There were moments when I reeled in my saddle, but for the greater while I stood my pain and weariness well enough. Some time in the afternoon a shrill whistle ahead attracted my attention. I made out two horsemen waiting on the trail. "Huh! about time!" growled Bill. "Hyar's Buell an' Herky-Jerky."

"Hey, Josh, did you fetch the flour?" called a woman's voice from inside. "Hullo I Reckon I didn't forgit nothin'," replied the man, as he got down. "An' say, Mrs. Hutter, hyar's a young lady from Noo Yorrk." That latter speech of the driver's brought Mrs. Hutter out on the porch. "Flo, come here," she called to some one evidently near at hand. And then she smilingly greeted Carley.

"Hyar she comes wid de fo' twins," Jake said, going forward to meet her. "Mandy Ann," he began, "hyar's de lil chile Dory. Miss Amy they done call her. Would you know'd her?" "Know'd her? I reckon so, anywhar in de dark.

"Let's see this hyar's ther y'ar one thousand and nine hundred.... Thar's some things I disremembers. Maggards ... Maggards?... I don't remember no Maggards.... No, siree! I don't remember none." The cripple turned impatiently away, and Bas Rowlett speculatively inquired: "Does ye reckon mebby he war a-fleein' from some enemy over in Virginny an' thet ther feller followed atter him an' got him?"

Hyar's one off for the upper storey, fast as his critter kin carry him." While speaking, he jobs his heels against the ribs of his horse for he is now mounted on one, as also Hamersley supernumeraries of the Texan troop. Then, dashing off, with the Kentuckian by his side, they are soon under the trees and out of sight.