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She was delighted to hear that she had grown more than any of the others. "I'm gettin' old all over!" said she, gayly. "Four goin' to be five! Wish I was most six. Dotty Dimpul, don't you wish you's most a hunderd?" "O, you cunning little cousin!" said Dotty, embracing her rapturously; "I wish you loved me half as well as I love you; that's what I wish.

Moreover, the cheerin' proves that our side must be gettin' the best of it, an' are drivin' the enemy this way, so all we've got to do is to hide on that hillock an' bide our time." "Don't swear at your enemies, Simkin," said the marine quietly; "but when you get the chance fire low!"

Owen stiffened and stood rigid, his face whitening. And then again he heard Sanderson's voice: "There's a judge in Okar Judge Graney. An' if you'd consider gettin' married today, ma'am, why " "Why, Sanderson!" came Mary's voice in mild reproof. "Well, then," sounded Sanderson's voice, full of resignation this time; "have it your way; I don't want to hurry you." "Hurry me?

Here we be, with orders to clear out before Michaelmas: and how be I to do that, with my man away? An' sixteen steps up to the door, with a turn in 'em! Do 'ee mind what a Dover-to-pay there was gettin' out the poor soul's coffin? An' then look at the size of my dresser. . . ." "I can't think why you turn out, for my part. Pamphlett's served me with notice to quit by to-morra.

I felt it gettin' wet down by my feet, and looked just in time. What'll I do jump over and swim for the shore right here?" "Don't be silly, Bandy-legs!" cried Max. "If something has happened to your boat, why, head for the shore, and paddle hard. It ain't so far away but you can reach it easy enough. You must have hit a snag, and punched a hole in the skin of the canoe."

McGowan is het up because the men is gettin' ugly, and he ain't got money enough for his next pay-roll, and the last one ain't all paid yit." McGowan again shifted his hat this time he canted it on one side. His companion's warning had had its effect, for his voice was now pitched in a lower key. "There ain't no use talking pay-roll to Mr. Breen, Jim," he growled.

As she drew back, her breath coming fast, the animal whinnied gently. Almost instantly, she heard a man's voice: "My cayuse is gettin' tired of loafin', I reckon." Ruth held her breath. The voice seemed to come from beneath her feet she judged that it really had come from beneath the rock that projected from the wall of the cut below her. And it was Chavis' voice!

"Well," Pearl began, "I was late gettin' started by reason of the washin' and the ironin', and Jimmy not gettin' back wid the boots.

How good Toby looked! Dear Toby, who always seemed to be on hand when he was needed! "You looks fair scragged!" greeted Toby. "Were you gettin' lost?" "Lost I was lost out on the barrens and the marsh!" and Charley was scarce able to choke back tears of joy and relief. Toby after the manner of woodsmen had brought his ax. He quickly cut some wood, and in a few moments had a rousing fire.

"I guess we're solid now, as far as bein' bothered by those sacred devils goes," Young said, as we stepped down from the ledge of rock on which we had been standing; "but this ain't no time t' take no chances, an' th' sooner we see what show we've got for gettin' anywhere through that cave, th' better it'll be. An' we've got t' look after Rayburn.