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All who saw him move from Group to Group along the Hitch Rack on Saturday afternoon, shaking hands with the Rustics and applying the Ointment, remarked that Ves was a young man of Rare Promise and could not be held back from the Pay-Roll for any considerable length of Time. He was one of the original 787 Boy Orators of the Timothy Hay Section of the Imperial Middle West.

McGowan is het up because the men is gettin' ugly, and he ain't got money enough for his next pay-roll, and the last one ain't all paid yit." McGowan again shifted his hat this time he canted it on one side. His companion's warning had had its effect, for his voice was now pitched in a lower key. "There ain't no use talking pay-roll to Mr. Breen, Jim," he growled.

"Get your names on the pay-roll and don't bother me," replied Plant. Plant caught sight of Bob, and, to that young man's surprise, waved him a jovial hand. "'Bout time you called on the old man!" he roared. "Tie your horse to the ground and come look at these steps. I bet there ain't another pair like 'em in the mountains!" Somewhat amused at this cordiality, Bob dismounted.

"If I was two years older, I could go to work," said Nance, thinking of Dan, who was now on the pay-roll of Clarke's Bottle Factory. "It ain't right to make you stop school," said Mr. Snawdor. "It ain't bein' fair to you." "I'd do it all right," said Nance, fired by his magnanimity, "only they're on to me now I've reported myself. Ain't you makin' any money at the shop?" Mr.

But it will be later than usual, on account of the pay-roll." As he shut the door Maggie turned, and her heart being too full to speak, she came forward and dropped on her knees, burying her face in Helen's lap. "You must not notice me," she said "don't don't oh, don't look at me." Helen stroked her cheek and finally she was quiet. Then she looked into Helen's face.

"Do yuh want to be put on the pay-roll?" he asked, without any preamble, when he caught my glance. "Yes, if I'm earning wages. 'The laborer is worthy of his hire, I believe," I retorted loftily. The fact was, I was strapped again and, though one did not need money on the Bay State Ranch, it's a good thing to have around. He grinned into his collar.

"That further we desire to contribute from the pay-roll due us the wages received for two days' services, the same to be paid to the emergency committee, one-half the proceeds of which is to apply to the relief of the bereaved workmen's families, the balance to be used for the purpose of erecting suitable monuments over the graves of our unfortunate comrades.

Lockwood, because he had heard the laughter and horseplay of the men of the night shift as they went down the canon from the bunk-house to the tunnel-mouth, knew that it was a little after seven. It would not be necessary to go indoors and begin work on the columns of figures of his pay-roll for another hour yet.

Cosgrove, "for your boss always lets you follow the Troop orders, and by going into Flosston you may fix it for this scared little girl to stay here for a while." "There, Mother, I always said you should be on the pay-roll. Isn't she the loveliest cop?" Molly asked Dagmar. "No wonder the Town Council thanked Mrs. Jim Cosgrove for her work among the women and girls!

On his way out he stopped at Everett's cage. "What was the amount of the check for the pay-roll for this week, Everett?" he asked. "A little over ninety-six hundred dollars."