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Your train, being late, came down on them. One of them was pulled off the line, but the other was caught. How will you get out of that?" "And how will you get out of it?" cried Mrs. Failing, turning the tables on him. "Where's the child now? What has happened to its soul? You must know, Agnes, that this young gentleman is a philosopher." "Oh, drop all that," said Mr. Wonham, suddenly collapsing.

And every day this week you take a trip to one of those towns." "Oh, gosh!" protested Gloria, collapsing mentally, "why won't you do it for us? I hate trains." "Well, hire a car, and " Gloria yawned. "I'm tired of discussing it. Seems to me all we do is talk about where to live." "My exquisite wife wearies of thought," remarked Anthony ironically.

She put a question in infantile French to Bob presently, whereupon that guileless youth, with a childlike smile, answered her with a flood of idiomatic phrases, in an accent purer than her own collapsing with helpless laughter at her amazed face.

"They will," answered Adan, who had been collapsing and digging his knuckles into his eyes for an hour and more. They feared that no one might be stirring, but, as they approached the verandah, the door opened and a stout smiling Californian, dressed in brown small-clothes, appeared. "Who have we here?" he cried. "But you are early visitors, my young friends."

But don't think me hypercritical, Isabel," he added. "Even now I can usually manage to part from you without reeling, faint with hunger, down your front steps and collapsing at their feet I should say foot." "I'm extremely relieved to hear you say so," replied the girl.

You are no more to me one way or another than that fly there. Just so. I'd squash you or leave you alone. I don't care what I do." If real force of character consists in overcoming our sudden weaknesses, Schomberg displayed plenty of that quality. At the mention of the fly, he re-enforced the severe dignity of his attitude as one inflates a collapsing toy balloon with a great effort of breath.

His rifle cracked twice, and two of the horses staggered, one of them collapsing slowly. He had to show himself, and for three heartbeats stood exposed to the fire of four rifles. One bullet fanned his cheek, a second plunged through his coat sleeve, a third struck the rock at his feet.

Yet it came in easily enough!" "The cave is collapsing growing smaller every moment!" cried Mr. Parker. "We have only time to save our lives! Run out!" "And leave the airship? Never!" yelled Tom. "You must! You can't save that and your life!" "Get axes and make the opening bigger!" suggested Ned, who, like his chum, could not bear to think of the destruction of the beautiful craft. "No time!

Joe crossed back to Barney and Old Jimmie. "You two must have been almighty afraid, because of Larry Brainard, that your game was suddenly collapsing, and each must have been trying to grab a piece for himself before he ran away." "What you talking about?" gruffly demanded Barney. "Perhaps I'm talking about you. But more particularly about Jimmie Carlisle.

He saw his eyes widen and look over at him in astonishment with the reproachful question, "What are you doing?" The one thing Bogdan did not see was the collapsing of the lord's body, for at that instant a blow crashed down on the back of his head, like the downpour of a waterfall dropping from an infinite height.