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I say, therefore, that we struck the first blow; and if, instead of pressing this matter to a war, we were to refer it to a third power, even if it should be to a European republic, if any such thing is remaining, and should say there had been an invasion of our territory, they would ask us a question something like that which was put to a character in a play of Molière: Que diable allait il faire dans cette galère?

"Que ma chère Mademoiselle Alide ne se fâche pas! Elle ne manquerait jamais d'admirateurs, dans un désert. Ah! si Mam'selle allait voir la patrie de ses ancêtres! "'Merci bien, mon cher; gardez les feuilles, fortement fermées. Il y a des papiers dedans."

Et, pendant qu'il allait voguant And as he journeys, drifting

We see the ruins of a castle on the heights where le 'jeune et beau Dunois' performed historical prodigies of valour; and the chapel where he 'allait prier Marie, bénir ses exploits. But the modern military aspect of things is, we are bound to confess, prosaic to a degree; we find the Dunois of the period occupied in more peaceful pursuits, mending shoes, tending little children, and carrying wood for winter fires.

In ten years many of these aesthetes will have become common Academicians, working for the villas and perambulators of numerous families. Many will have disappeared for ever, some may be resurrected two generations hence, may be raised from the dead like Mr. Brabazon, our modern Lazarus "Lazare allait mourir une seconds fois," or perchance to sleep for ever in Sir Joshua's bosom.

One would have pronounced her a mask of Decrepitude carved out by a light from the night. The boy surveyed her. "Madame," said he, "does not possess that style of beauty which pleases me." He then pursued his road, and resumed his song: "Le roi Coupdesabot S'en allait a la chasse, A la chasse aux corbeaux " At the end of these three lines he paused.

"Mademoiselle is like nobody else; elle avait toujours son idée." "Parfaitement, comme disent les paysannes de chez vous, d'une bête qui ne ressemble pas au troupeau et qui allait toujours." "Oui, mademoiselle a eu toujours son idée. So Sir Owen thinks it was fear of going back to the stage that persuaded mademoiselle to " "Something like that, Mérat. She liked Mr. Dean."

The lad scratched his head behind his ear, stared at Ma'am Bougon, and said: "Ah!" Then he executed a pirouette on his heel; a moment later, the old woman, who had remained on the door-step, heard him singing in his clear, young voice, as he plunged under the black elm-trees, in the wintry wind: "Le roi Coupdesabot S'en allait a la chasse, A la chasse aux corbeaux, Monte sur deux echasses.

With the fewest of rapid strokes, La Fontaine can raise up an unmistakable vision of any beast or bird, fish or reptile, that he has a mind to Un jour sur ses long pieds allait je ne sais Le héron au long bec emmanché d'un long cou. Could there be a better description? And his fables are crowded with these life-like little vignettes.

He made a good many inquiries, which he had deferred till Arthur should be in a fitter condition for answering, first about the capture and wreck, and what the young man had been able to gather about the Cabeleyzes. Then, as the replies showed that he had a gentleman before him, Captain Beresford added that he could not help asking, 'Que diable allait il faire dans cette galere?