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Updated: August 29, 2024

For been away mostly from his natural home here, young Faircloth has, ever since he was a little shaver. Mrs. Faircloth owns the Inn there and all the appurtenances thereof, sheds, cottages, boats, and suchlike, she does always had wonnerful high views for him.

"Law, Mis' Smif, you sholy is got reason to be mighty thankful. Des' look how many young men dere is in dis town what ain't nevah been no 'count to dey pa'ents, ner anybody else." "Well, it's onexpected, Lizy, an' hit's 'spected. 'Rastus allus wuz a wonnerful chil', an' de way he tuk to work an' study kin' o' promised something f'om de commencement, an' I 'lowed mebbe he tu'n out a preachah."

"When Christie was a wee bit of a thing he took 'er into the ring with 'im. She sat on 'is shoulder and the crowd thought it wonnerful. Arter that he took 'er in reg'lar. Mrs. Braddock almos' lost 'er mind, but Brad coaxed 'er into seein' it 'is way. It was before he took to drinking steady. That gal 'as no more business being a circus rider than nothink.

She did not dare to ask, lest she should betray the note of eagerness in her voice, and she was sure her face would flush even if she mentioned it. "But it wasn't the only charge they brung agin the parson," continued Sol. "They raked up all sorts of stuff. It was certainly wonnerful." "What else did they say?" questioned Mr. Radhurst.

and when his chums saw him working out this profound calculation on the side of a bucket or on the companion hatch, they would say, "He's a wonnerful masterpiece. Yea, but he is, and nothin' but that." Glenn was daring but that is nothing to say, for all the fishermen seem insensible to fear.

"Wonnerful!" repeated old Vulcan, whose mind and feelings were in a happy condition to receive such a lesson. "Yes, sah, Masser Mile; she come to my shop to see 'e spark fly; I shall miss her like a darter."

"Ah! that's your job. An' I just sit here an' brought the things to my memory, wan by wan! An' that bit at the top came easy as cutting a stick!" "'Tis a wonnerful piece o' work! An' the piano, Will?" "I hadn't forgot that. Must take it along wi' us, or else send it down to mother. Couldn't look her in the faace if I sold that." "Ban't worth much." "Caan't say.

An' 'tis good for grawn people tu, awnly folks is afeared to try now 'cause t'others laugh at en. But I reckon the Madern brook's holy water still. An' theer's wonnerful things said 'bout the crick-stones an' long stones tu. A many of 'em stands round 'bout these paarts." "D'you know Men Scryfa the stone with the writing on it? That's a famous long stone, up beyond Lanyon Farmhouse."

Better a'most to let 'em have it, than damage a drop or a thread of such goods." "All right, Cappen Brown. Don't you be so wonnerful unaisy. Not the first time we have handled such stuff." "I'm not so sure of that," replied Brown, as he lit a short pipe and began to puff. "I've a-run some afore, but never none so precious."

"We will leave him now for a time." When Pete again awoke the day was far spent, and the sun was swinging low in the west. He opened his eyes, and looked around in a dazed manner, when, meeting Constance's anxious eyes fixed upon him, a smile flitted across his face. "I had a wonnerful dream, lassie. I saw me father an' mother very plain.

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