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He comforted his cruel sufferings with the thought of a wonnerful tombstone to Sarah Bird, and there's no doubt that tombstones, though they can't make or mar the dead, have, time and again, softened the lot of the living. And you may say that poor Sarah's mark in the churchyard was the subject that first began to calm Jonas. But it did a lot more than that.

I doan't knaw 'tis sich a wonnerful world but them blue eyes them round blue eyes couldn't do a thing as was wrong afore God as wan might fancy," he said aloud, not knowing she was out of earshot. Then he heaved a sigh, returned to the kitchen, and presently departed to the fields. With searching of heart, Mary Chirgwin spent time during that afternoon.

'Tes only one man, zir, so far as Ai can mek out, and 'a be a-waving of a red shirt, or zummat laike that, Ai think, zir." "Can you only see one man, Martin; or are there any more with him, think you?" shouted Cavendish. "Naw, zir," responded the old fellow; "as Ai zay, Ai can only zee one of 'em, and 'e do be a-carryin' on zumthing wonnerful, zir.

'Tis wonnerful clever, an' theer edn' no call to be sad, for no man else could a done better, I lay." He did not answer, and still held her hand. Then there came a harder breath of wind with a sob of sound in it, while already over the distant sea swept separate gray curtains of rain. "It's coming, Joan; the storm. It's everywhere, in earth and air and water; and in my blood.

"Wonnerful language, an' in a nutshell," commented Billy, as, blowing rather hard, the miller made an end of his warning. "Us'll leave it theer, then, Mr. Lyddon; and you'll live to be sorry ever you said them words to me. Ess fay, you'll live to sing different; for when two 's set 'pon a matter o' marryin', ban't fathers nor mothers, nor yet angels, be gwaine to part 'em.

I were a soldier once an' a tur'ble drinker, but Mary Lord, sir, 'tis wonnerful how good a good woman can be an' how bad a bad 'un can be though she's generally made bad, I've noticed! Damme, sir, axin' your parding but damme notwithstanding, there's some men as I'd like to 'ave wrigglin' on the end of a bagnet!"

Ten shillings both ways, that's the fare, and I see in the /Chronicle/, I du, that there's a wonnerful show of these new-fangled self-tying and delivering reapers, sich as they foreigners use over sea in America, and I'm rarely fell on seeing them and having a holiday look round Lunnon town.

And meantime the girl had looked after him with wonder and some amusement in her eyes, had rubbed her chin reflectively a habit caught from her father and had then scampered off smiling to herself. "What a funny gent," she thought, "never laughs nor nothin'. An' I judged he was a artist! But wonnerful kind, an' wonnerful queer, wi' it, sure 'nough."

"Come, 'twould be a wonnerful thing to tell as I'd took snuff out o' my very own box wi' a man as 'ad fou't wi' the devil come tak' a pinch, Peter," he pleaded. Whereupon, to please him, I did so, and immediately fell most violently a-sneezing. "And," pursued the old man when the paroxysm was over, "did ye see 'is 'orns, Peter, an' 'is "

But the crooked little rubber was more interested in Ida Bellethorne's history than he was in his own misfortune, which was an old story. "I was working in the Bellethorne stables when this mare was foaled. I was always let work about her. She's a wonnerful pedigree, Miss aw, yes, wonnerful! And she was named for an 'igh and mighty lydy, sure enough." "Named for a lady?" cried Betty.