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Updated: August 29, 2024

"But but to spring it like this! Why to-day? Why to-day? It's madness and it's cruelty to fly from your home the first living moment you've got the power. I'd counted on a merry evenin, tu, an' axed more 'n wan to drink your gude health." "Many's the merry evenings us'll have, dear faither, please God; but a husband's a husband. He've been that wonnerful patient, tu, for such as him.

She was a buyer, one of Miss Ferber's Emma McChesneys on a lark. Gilfoyle did not tell Kedzie any of this. He told what followed as he toiled at the fearfully complicated problem of his shoe-laces, a problem rendered almost insuperable by the fact that he could not hold his foot high very long and dared not hold his head low at all. "Wonnerful thing happent t'night, Anita.

Nor did he stop at Hannah herself but passed on to her relatives, her mother who was dead and her grandmother who was ninety and "as hale an' hearty as you please." "A wonnerful old dame she be an' mighty handy with her needle, a'most as she used to be when she was a girl a-working at the tapestry fact'ry by the riverside.

"Don't you mean for a girl?" "Aw, not much! Such a lydy, Miss! Fine, an' tall, and wonnerful to look at. They said she could sing like a hangel, that she could. Miss Ida Bellethorne, she was. She ought've been a lord's daughter, she ought." "What became of her?" asked the puzzled Betty. "I don't know, Miss. I don't rightly know what became of all the family.

"I never heerd tell o' the devil in a bell-crowned 'at afore, but p'r'aps you 'm right, Peter tak' another pinch o' snuff." "No more," said I, shaking my head. "Why, it's apt to ketch you a bit at first, but, Lord! Peter, for a man as 'as fou't wi' the devil " "One pinch is more than enough, Ancient." "Oh, Peter, 'tis a wonnerful thing as you should be alive this day!"

You might ha' done well in the ring if you'd been blessed wi' poverty an' I'd 'ad the 'andling of ye a world's unbeat champion, like Joe. A good fighter were I an' a wonnerful trainer! Ho, yus, I might ha' made a top-notcher of ye if you 'adn't been cursed wi' money."

Then they all took fright an' vanished away in the twinkle of a eye. Which must be true, 'cause my awn gran'mother tawld it. But they ded'n leave the farm, though nobody seed 'em again, for arter that 'tis said as the cows gived a wonnerful shower o' milk, better'n ever was knawn before. An' I 'sure 'e I'd dearly like to be maiden to good piskeys if they'd let me work for 'em."

An' mother grizzled an' worrited herself reg'lar ill an' stopped in bed two days an' kep on whinin' 'bout what I was to do if she died; cause she s'posed she was gwained to. But so soon as Tom comed off his first trip, mother cheered wonnerful, an' riz up to see to en, an' hear tell 'bout how he fared on the water." "Your head a wee bit higher, Joan. Well, I'm thankful to see you again.

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