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I I now look here," he went on, "don't take it to heart too much. She is quite all right that is, I expect " "You expect!" she said witheringly. "Here you sit; you have a beautiful young wife, the most brilliant girl I ever met, and and you let her go! Don't talk to me!" "No, I won't; let's drop it! We will discuss it some other time it is a matter I prefer not to talk about!

But nothing IS fair in this world. You ought to be ashamed of yourselves." "What HAVE we done?" asked Una again, despairingly. Faith said nothing, but her eyes flashed golden-brown scorn at Mary. "Oh, don't pretend innocence," said Mary, witheringly. "Everybody knows what you have done." "I don't," interjected Jem Blythe indignantly. "Don't let me catch you making Una cry, Mary Vance.

"I made a most horrific blunder, didn't I, Mr. Studley? I called him a bounder!" Dinah looked at him witheringly. "You would!" she said. "Well, I hope you apologized." Billy stuck out his tongue at her. "I didn't then!" he returned, and skated elegantly away on one leg. "Billy," remarked Dinah dispassionately, "is not really such a horrid little beast as he seems."

One is as much as you can manage now." She spoke witheringly. "I give you one more chance." "More than I can manage. You know Dick will get drunk " "Not unless you make him. Who was drunk at that barbecue at Jones's Cross Roads last summer!" "Oh, Mary!" "Who set up till after Sunday mornin' playin' kyards . Yes, gamblin' the last night of last County Cote!" "Oh, Mary! All right.

"You'll take what you get. You couldn't stay on any kind of horse for long at a time. Why, you'd fall off one of those wooden horses that they have in harness shops," announced Ned Rector witheringly. "I can ride as well as you can," retorted the fat boy, looking his tormentor straight in the eyes. "Chunky means business when he looks at you that way," laughed Walter.

Jock and Sandy, who had stood by, green with envy, clapped their hands over their mouths and danced with mirth. "It looks easy," said poor Jean mournfully, "but maybe I'd best stick to the skimmer when I fish." "Oh, it always does that the first time," said the new boy comfortingly, as he rescued the fly and straightened out the line. "When a girl tries to do it," added Jock witheringly.

Presently Tom, in shifting his position, touched one foot lightly against the foreman's head. Evarts half-awoke, then realized that the boat was moving. "Who started this craft against my orders?" he drowsily demanded, as he sat up. "I did," Tom retorted witheringly, "though I didn't hear your orders to the contrary." "You -Mr. Reade?" gasped the foreman, leaping to his feet.

"Rather different from the last tramp we took over this prairie," said Jane, "but as a thriller you can't beat midnight moonlight." "Not that I'd care to," Dozia answered witheringly. "I can't see that the adventure 'got us anywhere' as brother Tom would say. I haven't any brother, you know, Jane dear, but it always sounds better to blame one's slang on him, don't you think?"

He had orders from me to get her and damn the cost and he fulfilled his orders." "A comedy of errors, truly!" Mr. Skinner observed witheringly. Matt Peasley raised his huge arms and clenched his great fists in agony. "Oh, Cappy! Cappy!" he pleaded. "Won't you please retire? You're just raising hell with the organization!" "All right, Matt; I'll retire.

"Did you see how those two cyclists tried to hang on to us and push in too? Miss Walters looked at them most witheringly. 'May I ask if you have a private permit? I heard her say to them. It squashed them flat, and they beat a retreat." "I believe Sir Ranald used to let the public in at one time," said Noreen, "but people behaved so atrociously that he had to stop.