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"Mumps one pound, that is what I have put down, but I daresay it will be more like thirty shillings don't speak measles one five, German measles half a guinea, makes two fifteen six don't waggle your finger whooping-cough, say fifteen shillings" and so on it went, and it added up differently each time; but at last Wendy just got through, with mumps reduced to twelve six, and the two kinds of measles treated as one.

I was glad to hear this from so accomplished a critic as Waggle; for the fact is, I had composed the verses myself for honest Wiggle one day, whom I found at his chambers plunged in thought over a very dirty old-fashioned album, in which he had not as yet written a single word. 'I can't, says he. 'Sometimes I can write whole cantos, and to-day not a line. Oh, Snob! such an opportunity!

One moment, till I finish the octave of my sonnet: only the octave. And with a friendly waggle of the hand, he once more buried himself in the commerce of the Muses. 'I say, he said presently, looking up, 'you seem in wonderful preservation: how about the hundred pounds? 'I have made a small inheritance from a great aunt in Wales, replied Challoner modestly.

The long, pale face of Mabel peered out from rhododendron leaves, very near the ground. "I look just like anybody else like this, don't I?" she asked anxiously; "all the rest of me's miles away, under different bushes." "We've covered up the bits between the bushes with bracken and leaves," said Kathleen, avoiding the question; "don't wriggle, Mabel, or you'll waggle them off."

"It's a good word," quoth Cuillen, and she swung her jaw loose and made it waggle up and down, for that was the way she smiled. "And here is the chance," her father added. "The chance is here," Iaran echoed, with a smile that was very like her sister's, only that it was worse, and the wen that grew on her nose joggled to and fro and did not get its balance again for a long time.

"It's down to Seaview where Cousin Tom lives, and we can dig for treasure there!" "Can we really?" asked Violet. "What's treasure, Russ? Is any of it good to eat? And look at that robin! What makes him waggle his tail that way? And look at the cat! What's she lashing her tail so for?" "Wait a minute, Vi!" cried Russ with a laugh. "You mustn't ask so many questions all to once."

He settled himself ostentatiously into his stance and placed his club-head stiffly on the ground three feet away from him. "Middle," said Archie. Simpson frowned and began to waggle his club. He waggled it carefully a dozen times. "It's a very nice swing," said Myra at the end of the ninth movement, "but isn't it rather short?"

"Thank you, Ruth. You take an awful load off my heart." She glanced up at him, now once more composed. Her eyes gleamed with a veiled impishness. "No girl ever died from being kissed. But what a splendid lover you would make!" Away she darted a few steps, to whirl and point and waggle a finger at the dumfounded youth. "Are you coming?

Mammy says I can't eat it, and it will all melt away if I keep it. Also a picture of Jack Minot, who will dance on one leg and waggle the other, and make you laugh. I wish I could come, too. Don't you hate grewel? I do. In haste, "Let's all send her a letter," proposed Jack, and out came pens, ink, paper, and the lamp, and every one fell to scribbling.

Well, you shall have one yourself, right down to your chin. As she spoke she shuffled towards the hamper of cabbages, took up one after another, squeezed them hard, and threw them back, muttering again, 'Bad stuff, bad stuff. 'Don't waggle your head in that horrid way, begged Jem anxiously.