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"Certainly," she replied, "if it suits you." "Then, that's settled," he decided. "There's a new steamer, called the Bembridge Belle, I've seen advertised to run on an excursion to Seaview pier; and I think she will do very well for us; especially as she will go partly round the Island afterwards."

The New England Range maintains this altitude in many peaks, including Mount Seaview from which point Oxley sighted the ocean-6,000 feet high.

I saw her pass Cowes on Tuesday afternoon. Let Hawkins go to Portsmouth and Southampton. Find out yourself whether she anchored between Osborne and Ryde. If not, inquire at Seaview whether she passed there going east. Telegraph result tomorrow morning to my chambers. Shall cross again tonight."

There was much excitement in Cousin Tom's bungalow at Seaview the next day, for the Bunkers were packing to go back to their home in Pineville, Pennsylvania. "We are very sorry to see you go," said Cousin Tom. "Indeed we are," agreed his pretty wife, Ruth. "You must come to see us next summer." "We will," promised Mr. Bunker. "But just now we must hurry back home. I hope we shall be in time."

"What about Lady Tristram, then?" There was flattery in this, ten or fifteen years of flattery. Miss S. was unmoved. "I am happy to say that Lady Tristram never called at Seaview." Miss S.'s house was called Seaview Sea-Backview would have been a more precise description. "I call him in love with Janie Iver. He must want to marry her or " "They do say that money isn't very plentiful at Blent.

They hoisted the boat up again and went east. She stopped off Seaview; then she came back and sent the boat ashore, and two men went off in her. Of course, I can't say whether they were the same. It was as much as I could do to make out that there were two of them, though our glass is a pretty good one. Is there anything wrong about the craft?"

Porson did not wish to go; Mary and Morris were cast down for simple and elementary reasons; and Colonel Monk found this change of plan it had been arranged that the Porsons should stop at Seaview till the New Year, which was to be the day of the marriage inconvenient, and, indeed, disturbing.

"They seem to be doing that," said Daddy Bunker, for the children just then finished their bread and butter and jam, and began to run all around the house. Cousin Tom's bungalow was about a block from the ocean, and on a new street in Seaview, so there were no other houses very near it. Not far away was what is called an "inlet."

"Who's for the shore?" cried out the skipper from his post on the paddle-box, as soon as the vessel had made fast, and the "brow," or gangway, was shoved ashore for the passengers to land, without any unnecessary delay. "Any ladies or gents for Seaview?" The majority of those on board at once quitted the steamer, amongst them being our quintet.

As compared with the Anglo-Saxon, the French appear to be gifted with a naive childhood of nature, and to have the power that children have of gilding every scene of life with some of their own poetic fancies. Madame de Frontignac was in raptures with the sanded floor of her little room, which commanded, through the apple-boughs, a little morsel of a seaview.

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