United States or Senegal ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

We are not in this respect "un vrai peuple moderne," like the Americans. The Americans conceive of the executive as one of their appointed agents; when it intervenes in common life, it does so, they consider, in virtue of the mandate of the sovereign people, and there is no invasion or dereliction of freedom in that people interfering with itself.

There came into my mind a passage here at the beginning, apropos of what we were saying: "Il faut souvent un vrai courage pour persister dans une opinion juste en depit de ses defenseurs." Isn't that capital? Peak received it with genuine appreciation; for once he was able to laugh unfeignedly. The aphorism had so many applications from his own point of view. 'Excellent!

On peut le voir, dit on, a minuit, dans sa place habituelle, tenant le journal du soir, et ayant a sa main un crayon de charbon. Le lendemain on trouve des caracteres inconnus sur les bords du journal. Ce qui prouve que le spiritulisme est vrai, et que Messieurs les Professors de Cambridge sont des imbeciles qui ne savent rien du tout, du tout.

Three or four days after this, Rachel found that a report was abroad at the theatre that she had dissolved her engagement with Mr. Jones. At this time the three policemen had already expressed their opinion about Mr. O'Mahony; but they, for the present, may be left in obscurity. "Est-il vrai que M. Jones n'existe plus?"

"Well, well; it was so. Your brother was a Count, and died a General in my service." Gahagan. "He was found lying upon the bodies of nine-and-twenty Cossacks at Borodino. They were all dead, and bore the Gahagan mark." "C'est vrai, Montholon: je vous donne ma parole d'honneur la plus sacree, que c'est vrai. Ils ne sont pas d'autres, ces terribles Ga'gans.

The Duke slightly inclined his head. 'Vrai Portughez derrendo, he said. 'They tell a similar story in Spain, of one of the Queens I forget her name. The difference between us and your Peninsular cavaliers is, that we would do as much for uncrowned ladies. 'Ah! your Grace! The Countess swam in the pleasure of a nobleman's compliment. 'What's the story? interposed Aunt Bel.

'Well, said I, 'you can return now; the Bourbons are restored. 'I find myself very well here; not bad country. Il est vrai que la France sera toujours la France; but all are dead there who knew me. I find myself very well here. Preach in popish chapel, teach schismatic, that is Protestant, child tongues and literature. I find myself very well; and why?

They sat down close to where I lay, and prising out the bung, filled the liquor into their tin cups, and commenced imbibing. A drouthier pair of mortals could not have been found anywhere; and at the first draught, each emptied his cup to the bottom! "It has a quare taste, hasn't it?" said Barney, after he had taken the vessel from his lips. "Oui! c'est vrai, monsieur!" "What dev ye think it is?"

La jeunesse a mauvaise grace N'ayant pas adoré dans le Temple d'Amour; Il faut qu'il entre: et pour le sage; Si ce n'est son vrai sejour, Ce'st un gîte sur son passage.

After a while the vrai prud' homme came seldom; other figures more like herself, soft forms of women, white and shining, with golden circlets and ornaments, appeared to her in the great halo of the light; they bowed their heads, naming themselves, as to a sister spirit, Catherine, and the other Margaret. Their voices were sweet and soft with a sound that made you weep.