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No; in order that the demonstration shall be complete, the bacteria must be isolated, cultivated in a state of purity in proper liquids, and then be used to inoculate animals with. If the latter die with all the symptoms of charbon, the demonstration will be complete.

It was not till 1863 that he suspected the active role of these organisms in the charbon malady, and endeavored to demonstrate it by experiments in inoculation. Is the presence of these little rods in the blood of an animal that has died of charbon sufficient of itself to demonstrate the parasitic nature of the affection?

"To get the wind behind us," he explained, "we shall cross well to the south of Péronne. Next, we go to Boislens. After that we pass by Nimporte, over the Forêt de Charbon to Siègecourt; then up to Le Recul and back by Princebourg, St. Guillaume, and Toutprès.

To cite only those whose origin is well known, we may mention the bacterium that causes charbon, the micrococcus of chicken cholera, and that of hog measles. It will be seen from this sketch how important the study of these organisms is to man, since be must defend his body against their invasions or utilize them for bringing about useful chemical modifications in organic matters. Our Servants.

I have to confess that I am almost as cold as the boys out there in the rain and the mud. I have managed to get a little coal or what is called coal this year. It is really charbon de forge a lot of damp, black dust with a few big lumps in it, which burns with a heavy, smelly, yellow smoke.

When we have named charbon, septicaemia, diphtheria, typhoid fever, pork measles, etc., we shall have indicated the serious affections that microbes are capable of engendering in the animal organism. We call those diseases "parasitic" that are occasioned by the introduction of a living organism into the bodies of animals.

Then we have Kean, at a place called the Trou de Charbon, the "Coal Hole," where, to the edification of the public, he engages in a fisty combat with a notorious boxer. This scene was received by the audience with loud exclamations of delight, and commented on, by the journals, as a faultless picture of English manners.

Cattle may be given one-half pound of Epsom salts, repeated in three or four days; sheep and hogs from one to four ounces of raw linseed oil. Animals that have the subacute form of the disease may be given stimulants, and iron and bitter tonics. ANTHRAX, CHARBON. This is an acute infectious disease affecting many different species of animals.

"Have you read it yourself, Julius?" asked Embro, amid the laughter of his neighbours. "No," said Julius carelessly; "and if it's a hospital case I don't want to read it." "What!" said Embro, with heavy irony. "You say that? You, a pupil of the great Dubois and the greater Charbon! But here comes a greater than Charbon the celebrated Dr. Lefevre himself.

The front of the lower storey had once been painted in chocolate- color, across the top of which was still decipherable the sign: "Charbon, Bois. Lhomond." On the grimed window beside the door, was painted in white: "Debit de Boissons." Andrews pushed on the door, which opened easily. Somewhere in the interior a bell jangled, startlingly loud after the silence of the street.