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On a large plate with a big blue pattern on it were served the pancakes regular peasant pancakes, thin, made half of wheat, covered with fresh hot butter, most delicious pancakes. Stepan Trofimovitch tasted them with relish. "How rich they are and how good! And if one could only have un doigt d'eau de vie." "It's a drop of vodka you would like, sir, isn't it?"

And during the week, my mistress told me to clean a herring, and I began by its tail, so she took the herring and stuck its snout into my face. The assistants tease me, send me to the tavern for vodka, make me steal the master's cucumbers, and the master beats me with whatever is handy. Food there is none; in the morning it's bread, at dinner gruel, and in the evening bread again.

'Oui, monsieur, oui, oui, je suis musicien; je joue tous les instruments possibles! Oui, monsieur.... Sauvez-moi, monsieur! 'Well, thank your lucky star! replied the landowner. 'Lads, let him go: here's a twenty-copeck piece for vodka. 'Thank you, your honour, thank you. Take him, your honour. They sat Lejeune in the sledge.

The vodka and the heat had made his head ache. He longed to get out into the fresh air. "I must be going," he said, getting up. "Where? Come on, have another drink!" "No really, I ought to " stammered Yourii, looking for his cap. "Well, good-bye!"

Mamma taught me to read and write, she instilled the fear of God in me from my earliest years, and she so trained me that now I can't bring myself to utter an unrefined peasant word. And I don't drink vodka, my lad, and am neat in my dress, and know how to behave with decorum in good society.

In the golden light and fragrance of a summer afternoon, here they were surrounded by all the apparatus to restrain alcoholic excess, and not even the slightest exhilaration of spirit to justify the depressing scene. It was annoying to see frequent notices such as: This Entrance for Brandy-Topers; or Vodka Patients in This Ward; or Inmates Must Not Bite Off the Door-Knobs.

Russian Peasant Born Linguist Soldiers See Village Life Communal Strips Of Land Tilled By Grandfather's Methods Ash Manure Rapid Growth During Days Of Perpetual Daylight Sprinkling Cattle With Holy Water "Sow In Mud And You Will Be A Prince" Cabbage Pie At Festival Home-Brewed "Braga" More Villainous Than Vodka Winter Occupations And Sports North Russian Peasants Less Illiterate Than Commonly Supposed.

Darling, send Natalya to get some sardines, vodka, cheese, and something else. They will most likely stay to supper. . . . Oh, how tired I am!" "H'm! I've no money." "You must, Poppet! It would be awkward! Don't make me blush."

Left alone with me, Agafya coughed and passed her hand several times over her forehead.... She began to feel a little drunk from the vodka. "How are you getting on, Agasha?" I asked her, after a long silence, when it began to be awkward to remain mute any longer. "Very well, thank God.... Don't tell anyone, sir, will you?" she added suddenly in a whisper. "That's all right," I reassured her.

They want especially, if they are artists, freshness, elegance, humanity, the capacity for motherhood.... They do not swill vodka at all hours of the day and night, do not sniff at cupboards, for they are not pigs and know they are not. They drink only when they are free, on occasion.... For they want mens sana in corpore sano. And so on. This is what cultured people are like.