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Yust vait. You don't know how purty is Ponatah. She " Petersen's listeners waited. They are waiting yet, for the mail-man never completed his admiring recital of the Indian girl's charms, owing to the fact that the genial Mr. Hyde without warning tapped his late friend's round head with the leather butt of the dog-whip.

Dey say, 'Ve bow der vill before uf Herr Bludoffski, whose vordt vas goot. Ve vait. But how long? Ah, dat I can not tell. But I have decide I make von appeal. I gif der vorlt von chance to come ofer to Anarchy and be save. Ha! Se! I haf write a pook! I haf say der pook inside all apout Anarchy.

Ve must get vat ve can now and vait for der decision aftervards. Brodney has wrote to Rasula, saying dat dot Chase feller is to stay here vedder ve vant him or not. He says Chase is a goot man! By tarn, it makes me cry to fink of vot he has done by me dot goot man!" To the amazement of all, the burly German began to blubber.

"Yes, of course," answered Barnabas, "the appointment is for seven-thirty." "Seven-thirty!" nodded Mr. Shrig, "and a werry nice time for it too! Sunset, it'll be about a good light and not too long to vait till dark! Yes, seven-thirty's a werry good time for it!" "For what?" "V'y," said Mr. Shrig, lowering his voice suddenly, "let's say for 'it'!" "'It," repeated Barnabas, staring.

Sparkfair seemed to be in good trim, for he whipped over a couple of benders which fooled Barney, who missed them both. "Vait till der pat gets holdt uf me," muttered Dunnerwurst. "Der ball nefer coot hit dot Irishman." Barney struck out. "Don'd some more fun make uf me," advised Hans. There was a hush as Frank Merriwell picked up a bat and stepped into the box.

'I do consider the young 'ooman, Sir, said Sam. 'I have considered the young 'ooman. I've spoke to her. I've told her how I'm sitivated; she's ready to vait till I'm ready, and I believe she vill. If she don't, she's not the young 'ooman I take her for, and I give her up vith readiness. You've know'd me afore, Sir. My mind's made up, and nothin' can ever alter it.

"Vait!" he snapped, "I vill speak vit' you aftervards." The girls prophesied the terrible things that were to happen, as they lingered in the cloak room, waiting their turn on the threadbare spot in the rug which a rich girl had bought to cover the threadbare spot in the carpet in front of the mirror.

Wery good, Meester Kendrick. Ve glad to have you stay so long as you like. Sit down thar. Planty wittles." But Mrs. Thorlakson willed otherwise, bustling about as she spoke. "My voman she say vait avile," he explained. "Planty more nice and hot." Phil thanked him and smiled across at his companion who was cheering up wonderfully under the benign influence of the stove.

He was halfway down the stairs before Madame Haupt could shout to him: "Vait! I vill go mit you! Come back!" He went back into the room again. "It is not goot to tink of anybody suffering," she said, in a melancholy voice. "I might as vell go mit you for noffing as vot you offer me, but I vill try to help you. How far is it?" "Three or four blocks from here." "Tree or four!

He say mit himselluf 'I haf der golt und der bower, hey? He von pig fool. He dinks you der fool vas, und der eye uf him he vinks like der glown py der circus. But yust vait. Vait till der honest sons uf doil rise by deir might oop und smite der blow vich gif liperty to der millions!" At this there was a wild outburst of applause and a chorus of hoarse shouts: "Up mit der red flag!" "Strike now!"