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Perhaps after all he was not so bad even Tim had said perhaps he was going to take them home! They looked up at him doubtfully. "If you don't mind, please," said Duke, "us'd rather go home. It doesn't matter about the bowl, for sister's foot's so sore and it's getting late. I'll give you all the money oh please, where have you put my money-box?"

"Ken Dorchin; Harry Cobb; Dick Hirschfield; Jerry McCarty; Ramon Nogales; Pete Shawne; Tom Hutchinson " "Who ?" Yetsko began. "What've they gotta do with ?" "We need a gang; the two of us'd last about as long as a pint of beer at a Dutch picnic." Ray went to the desk, grabbed a pen, and made a list of names, in a fair imitation of Ralph Prestonby's neat block-printing.

This is because the Duke's House temporarily changed its name thus. It does not refer to a second run of the play. or, the Jealous Bridegroom. Va mon enfant! prends ta fortune. Gallants, our Poets have of late so us'd ye, In Play and Prologue too so much abus'd ye, That should we beg your aids, I justly fear, Ye're so incens'd you'd hardly lend it here.

King Lewis then lost Lombardy, for not having observ'd some of those termes which others us'd, who have possessed themselves of countries, and desir'd to keep them. And by experience we have seen it, that the power hereof in Italy, and that of Spain also, was caused by France, and their own ruine proceeded from themselves.

I doubt you are mistaken in that, Sir, for 'twas I was the Spark that writ the proper Stuff To do you service. Char. Thou! Scar. Ay, we that spend our Lives and Fortunes here to serve you, to be us'd like Pimps and Scoundrels. Come, Sir, satisfy him who 'twas was hid i'th' Closet, when he came in and found you. Cin. Ha, is't possible? Was it Charmante? Char. Was it you, Cinthio?

"We went on that way for two or three months, folks sayin' that Abram and Jane Parrish couldn't go to the same church two Sundays straight along to save their lives, and everybody wonderin' which of us'd have their way in the long run.

A Husband! it is enough to spoil a Man's Appetite, the very naming on't By Fortune, thou hast been bred with thy great Grand-mother, some old Queen Elizabeth Lady, that us'd to preach Warnings to young Maidens; but had she liv'd in this Age, she wou'd have repented her Error, especially had she seen the Sum that I offer thee Come, let's in, by Fortune, I'm so vigorous, I shall ravish else. Phil.

Tell you what Marse Jim 'ud do when Chris'mus come 'roun'. He'd sen' one of da cullud mans out to git a log an' say, 'Now long as dis log burn, y'all kin have off'n wuk'. Co'se us'd hunt de bigges' gum log an' den soak hit in de stream so hit wud burn on a long time. Dey'd put hit on back er de fire an' hit wud las' mos' a week.

Peace, Child, peace, the Ladies understand Dueling as little as my self; but, since you are so tender-hearted, Ladies, I'll not shew you my wound; but faith, it spoiled my dancing. My Lord, now you talk of dancing, here's your Baggage brought from a-board the Gally by your Seamen, who us'd to entertain you with their rustick Sports. Guil.

Behn, a good play and lasted six days'. This, it must be remembered, was by no means a poor run at that time. Otway the poet having an inclination to turn actor; Mrs. Behn gave him the King in this play for a probation part, but he being not us'd to the stage, the full house put him to such a sweat and tremendous agony, being dash'd, spoilt him for an actor. To quote Mr.