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Sir Feeb. Let. Oh Bellmour, Bellmour. Sir Feeb. Hum what's that Bellmour! Let. Hah! Sir Feeble! he would not, Sir, have us'd me thus unkindly. Sir Feeb. Oh I'm glad 'tis no worse Bellmour, quoth a! I thought the Ghost was come again. Phil. Why did you not speak, Sir, all this while? my Lady weeps with your Unkindness. Sir Feeb.

He lives out at Acker's Fishing Lodge now an' does de cookin' for 'em. "I never will forgit de Klu Klux Klan. Us'd all run an' hide. Us was livin' on de Troup place den, near old Hamilton, in one o' de brick houses back o' de house whar dey used to keep de slaves. Marse Alec Troup was one o' de Klu Klux's an' so was Marse Thad Willis dat lived close by.

"It may get to be a territory maybe not a state, but anyways a territory, some time. And it's free! Not like Texas and all this new Mexican land just coming in by the treaty. What do you say, finally, Kelsey?" The latter chewed tobacco for some time. "You put it to me hard to answer," said he. "Any one of us'd like to try California. It will open faster than Oregon if all this gold news is true.

"There'll not be a rag on me body nor a whole bone in me skin when we get out of this!" he gasped, as they reached high ground between two spreading deeps of mingled weeds and water. "The sight of us'd frighten the whole rebel army, if we don't come on them aisy loike, as the fox said when he whisked into the hen-house." "He was a very considerate fox, Barney.

When the Dancing was ended, every Youth that was so disposed, catch'd hold of the Girl he liked best, and took her that Night for his Bed-Fellow, making as short Courtship and expeditious Weddings, as the Foot-Guards us'd to do with the Trulls in Salisbury-Court. Next we shall treat of the Land hereabouts, which is a Marl as red as Blood, and will lather like Soap.

Jurieu at Amsterdam, that he us'd to lose himself in himself; by the Assistance of this piece of Regularity, a Man is most effectually secur'd against bewildring Thoughts, and by direct thinking, he prevents all manner of dangerous wandring, since nothing can come to more speedy Conclusions, than that which in right Lines, points to the proper Subject of Debate.

Tâ-uz, who is no other than Tammuz, is here like Burns's John Barleycorn: "They wasted o'er a scorching flame The marrow of his bones; But a miller us'd him worst of all For he crush'd him between two stones." This concentration, so to say, of the nature of Adonis upon the cereal crops is characteristic of the stage of culture reached by his worshippers in historical times.

Dey put flowers in cups an' vases on de grave, so's dey wouldn' wilt. "Us was all sorry when Old Marster died, I cried 'cause I said, 'Now us won' git no more candy. He used to bring us candy whan he went to town. Us'd be lookin' for 'im when he come home. He'd say, 'Whars all my little Niggers? Den us'd come a-runnin' an' he'd han' it to us out-a his saddle bags. It was mos'ly good stick candy.

It has long since passed out of our pharmacopoeia, and is marketed only in China, though our own people formerly esteemed it as a panacea for all ills of the flesh. Colonel Byrd, in his "History of the Dividing Line," says of it: "Though Practice wilt soon make a man of tolerable Vigour an able Footman, yet, as a help to bear Fatigue I us'd to chew a Root of Ginseng as I Walk't along.