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"With hinterest compound hinterest at six per cent. for two 'undred and thirty years," said the ghost. "Phew!" whistled Terwilliger. "Have you any idea how much money that is?" "Certingly," replied the ghost. "Hit's just 63,609,609 pounds 6 shillings 4-1/2 pence. When h'I gets that, h'I flies; huntil I gets it h'I stys 'ere an' I 'aunts."

If I'm able to show you where to put your finger on three 'undred pounds when you come 'ome it'll be the cheapest outing you have ever 'ad. Won't it?" Mr. Teak made no reply, but, after spending the evening in deliberation, issued the invitation at the supper-table. His wife's eyes sparkled at first; then the light slowly faded from them and her face fell. "I can't go," she said, at last.

Of course, if he found that he was a stone or more in hand, as the Gaffer expected, he might come away pretty well as he liked, for the greatest danger was that the horse might get shut out or might show temper and turn it up. "Well," said Mr. Leopold, "there were two false starts, and Silver Braid must have galloped a couple of 'undred yards afore the Demon could stop him.

Smith's inscrutable eyes glistened into something as nearly approaching a twinkle as they were capable. "That'll settle the five 'undred," he said, warmly. "Are you goin' to send Cap'n Nugent an invite for the wedding?" "They'll 'ave to be asked, o' course," said Mr. Kybird, with an attempt at dignity, rendered necessary by a certain lightness in his friend's manner.

They has their big coppers, and boils up their puddings by the 'undred; but I dare say there's no more need o' street-sellers, for folks go to shops for most things now. She's in Leather Lane, this cousin o' mine, and makes plum-duff as isn't to be beat; but she sells Saturday nights mostly, and for Sunday dinners.

After a while Hunter took the candle from Sawkins and the latter had a try at the screws. 'Anyone would think the dam' things had been there for a 'undred years, remarked Hunter, savagely, as he wiped the sweat from his face and neck with his handkerchief. Kneeling on the lid of the coffin and panting and grunting with the exertion, the other two continued to struggle with their task.

Again Brett described David Hume, adorned now with "black, snaky eyes and high cheek-bones." "Of course," said Tomkins. "I've spotted 'im. 'E came aboard wiv a run just arter a hoss fell in front of the statoo. Gimme a penny, 'e did, an' jumped orf at the 'Orse Guards without a ticket afore we 'ad gone a 'undred yards. I thort 'e was frightened or dotty, I did. Know 'im agin? Ra ther.

But if with you I travel, make arrangimento, you und'stan', look for traina 'otel, biglietto, bagaglia then I am so little you laugh. Two 'undred franc the month!" and Alessandro indicated with every muscle of his body the amazement he expected us to feel. The Senator turned to the ladies of his family. "Now that I think of it," he said, "travels in Italy are never written without a courier.

"How far is it to the German trenches?" I whispered. "Eh?" I raised my voice just a trifle. I didn't know who might hear me: "How far is it to the German trenches?" "Five 'undred yards." My companion started off again. He stepped on a stick. I jumped. I jumped high. We continued, then I stopped him once more. "Are we alone out here? Are there any Germans likely to be out too?"

You've seen my ship, 'aven't you, lying to moorings? Nothing great to look at, is she? but the managing director of our company he has the 'andling of maybe a 'undred more like her 'Let 'em 'ave their grand passenger ships, 'e says, 'but give me my cargo boats that pays for theirselves every two voyages. The right idea 'e 'ad, I'll say for 'im.