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Updated: August 18, 2024

They'd come hover and inflict severe casualties on hour men. They can't see the Boche. We can. Should one Boche, or five 'undred try to come hover that parapet, one of us must immediately set hout and run back to hour trenches and give the warnin' for hour boys to be ready. The other one of us stays back 'ere, and with cold steel keeps back the rush." I nodded.

'A hundred and twelve shillings in London, and the freight to Valparaiso, and on again, said Attwater. 'It strikes one as really not a bad fluid. 'A 'undred and twelve! murmured the clerk, relishing the wine and the figures in a common ecstasy: 'O my! 'So glad you like it, said Attwater. 'Help yourself, Mr Whish, and keep the bottle by you.

They actually seized you, and threw you into the water " "Splish, sir!" said the policeman, with a vividness of imagery both surprising and gratifying. The headmaster tapped restlessly on the floor with his foot. "How many boys were there?" he asked. "Couple of 'undred, sir," said Mr. Butt promptly. "Two hundred!"

Cut her throat and cast her in the water down yurr. 'Was he hung for it? 'Yes, sir, he was hung just up yurr on the roadway, by what I've 'eard, on the Holy Innocents' Day, many 'undred years ago, by the man that went by the name of the bloody judge: terrible red and bloody, I've 'eard. 'Was his name Jeffreys, do you think? 'Might be possible 'twas Jeffreys J-e-f Jeffreys.

I 'ate a clawin', maulin' mess, but gimme a breech that's wore out a bit, an' hamminition one year in store, to let the powder kiss the bullet, an' put me somewheres where I ain't trod on by 'ulkin swine like you, an' s'elp me Gawd, I could bowl you over five times outer seven at height 'undred. Would yer try, you lumberin' Hirishman. 'No, ye wasp. I've seen ye do ut.

And she works. Saving a matter of fifteen 'undred a year, I shouldn't be surprised. Why, at my best, the years the influenza was so bad, I never cleared a thousand net. No, she's a success." Mrs. Wagge added: "Have you seen her last photograph the one where she's standing between two hydrangea-tubs? It was her own idea." Mr.

"Then they all at once made a dash for the poor beast. I tried to pull 'im out, but there was a couple of 'undred of 'em there, and 'e 'ad no chance. 'E gave just one yelp and then was pulled under, and the groupers jolly well ate him clear down to the bones. We never saw 'ide nor 'air of 'im agen!"

Now why couldn't we forge an answer from Baluna to Gomaldo and send the first reenforcements ourselves? He wants a 'undred men at a time. And then we could capture Gomaldo as easy as can be. We could find him in the mountains. I know a lot of these natives 'ere who would go with us if we paid them well." "We should have to dress them up in the native uniform," said Sam.

'e's mad for 'er, 'e is 'e'd ruin 'isself, body and soul, for 'er, 'e would, but I ain't goin' to ofer no more; no woman as ever breathed no matter 'ow 'andsome an' up-standin' is worth more 'n a 'undred guineas it ain't as if she was a blood-mare an' I'm done!" "Then I wish you good-day!" "But just think a 'undred guineas is a fortun'!" "It is!" said I.

"You have some small sum of money of your own every year, have you not?" Mrs. de Tracy asked. "Ten pound a year, ma'am; the same that me 'usband left me; two 'undred pounds 'e 'ad saved and 't is in an annuity; that's all I 'ave that and me plum tree." "The plum tree is not yours, either, Elizabeth; that belongs to the land," said Mrs. de Tracy curtly.

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