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An' Antonio was busy fetchin' splits for the old man, and the old man was wastin' 'em down the ventilators. There must 'ave been four inches in the bilges, I should think wardroom whisky- an'-soda. "Then I thought I might as well bear a hand as look pretty. So I let my bundoop go at fifteen 'undred sightin' very particular.

"'Ere!" he shouted, "'ow far is it to Yarmouth? No more'n a 'undred an' fifty miles, is it? I gotter aunt livin' there. . . ." Then came the rush, together with a roar of voices, shouts and cheers, cries for help, valiant, quickly stifled snatches of "Tipperary," and, over all, the hiss of escaping steam. "She wouldn't be 'arf pleased to see yer, Nobby!" shouted a voice above the hubbub.

"Jerry shells like 'ell orl night an' sends over gas in shells and cloud orl day. Three 'undred casualties last week an' I 'eard that alf of 'em kicked the bucket...." "Old Jerry 'as a million troops from Russia waitin' to come over next month for his offensive...." "Yus, Sir Daggie 'Aig sez 'e must sacrifice 'is First Lines. An', wots more, yer up to the neck in water...."

I'm deuced hard-up regularly in Short's Gardens. I lost eighteen 'undred on the Derby, and seven on the Leger, the best part of my year's income, indeed; and I just want to hire two or three horses for the season, with the option of buying, if I like; and if you supply me well, I may be the means of bringing grist to your mill; you twig, eh? 'Well, Mr.

All we know is that, divided up between five or six of us, Buff costs not far short of six 'undred a year." At that moment a small blond man came into the bar. Esther knew him at once. It was Ginger. He had hardly changed at all a little sallower, a little dryer, a trifle less like a gentleman. "Won't you step round, sir, to the private bar?" said William. "You'll be more comfortable."

"A 'undred one 'undred guineas!" said he, removing his hat to mop at his brow. "Any more?" I inquired. "No!" returned the Postilion sulkily, putting on his hat, "I'm done!" "Did he set the figure at a hundred guineas?" said I. "'Im oh!

"Well, wallet, then, footman the ornamental cove as jest popped you in 'ere. Makes one 'undred and eleven of 'em!" "One hundred and eleven what?" "Sniffs, sir, s-n-i-double-f-s! I've took the trouble to count 'em, nothing else to do.

"I always look upon the 'Ouse as my oyster, and 'ere's my sword," said Mr. Slide, brandishing an old quill pen. "And I feel that if once there I could get along. I do indeed. What is it a man wants? It's only pluck, that he shouldn't funk because a 'undred other men are looking at him." Then Phineas asked him whether he had any idea of a constituency, to which Mr.

"That I do, Guv," cried the old man, "an' give ye advice worth its weight in solid gold; you owe me a lot, s' 'elp me." "About how much?" "Well, Guv, I ain't got me ledger-book 'andy, but roughly speakin' I should say about five or six 'undred dollars. But seein' you 's you an' I'm me a old man true-'earted as never crossed nobody let's say fifteen dollars."

"I've just been drinking a man's health," said the night watchman, coming slowly on to the wharf and wiping his mouth with the back of his hand; "he's come in for a matter of three 'undred and twenty pounds, and he stood me arf a pint arf a pint!" He dragged a small empty towards him, and after planing the surface with his hand sat down and gazed scornfully across the river.