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Updated: August 7, 2024

I'll put that Times before 'im to-night at dinner as sure as my name's John. 'And a good lesson to them, too! If you didn't say you'd 'eard it from their own lips, John, I never could 'ave believed it. It's things like that as shakes your trust in 'uman nature.

In the small room with his huge arms raised he looked colossal. "I suppose," said the jeweller, still seeking to re-assure himself, "I suppose dear Brother Clark felt pretty certain of you, else he wouldn't have sent you here?" "Brother Clark said 'What is a jeweller's shop compared with a 'uman soul, a priceless 'uman soul?" replied Mr. Burge.

It was a load off my mind, and I went 'ome and ate a tea that made my missis talk about the work-'ouse, and orstritches in 'uman shape wot would eat a woman out of 'ouse and 'ome if she would let 'em. I got to the wharf just as it was striking six, and at a quarter to seven the wicket was pushed open gentle and the ugly 'ead of Mr. Joe Peel was shoved inside. "Hullo!" I ses. "Wot do you want?"

We uns air ter take no chances wid theese Wilminton darkies. I ain't ferget Seventy-six. Let nun git by without bein' sarched, uman er man. Shoot ef they resiss. Them's the Kurnel's orders." "Who is this man Isaacs?" asked a stranger from Georgia. "A Jew?" "Thet name's Jewey e'nuff fur yir, ain't it?" replied Dick Sands. "He is er Jew, an er good un, I tell yer.

Dahn squats one on his backside an' writes something in 'igh words. Up pops another and says something in 'igher; an' so they go on poppin' up an' squattin' dahn till you get an atmosphere where you can't breathe; and all the time all we want is to be let alone, and 'uman kindness do the rest. All these fellers 'ave got two weaknesses one's ideas, and the other's their own importance.

"Vell, I didn't go because of bein' axed to go, you may be sure o' that, but my little dosser, Tim Lumpy, you remember 'im? The cove wi' the nose like a button, an' no body to speak of all legs an' arms, like a 'uman win'-mill; vell, you must know they've nabbed 'im, an' given 'im a rig-out o' noo slops, an' they're goin' to send 'im to Canada.

"Well, I never!" she cried. "The sly brute! Looked at me like a 'uman being, an' then tried to eat me, which I could never understand people preachin' about kindness to dumb animals, an' 'orses takin' a delight in runnin' over people in the street every day." "It's because they've got relations that makes 'em thankful animals are dumb," said Chook.

"No, Jemimar, nothing will ever convince me that there are any savages so depravated as to prefer a slice of 'uman flesh to a good beefsteak, an' it's my belief that that himperent Irishman, Larry O'Ale, inwented it all to gammon us."

It spreads, Glasson; may'st hear them call. Like wildfire it spreads. ''Orrible discovery of 'uman remains! A clergyman suspected!" Here Mr. Mortimer, warm to his work, let out a laugh so blood-curdling that Old Jubilee bolted the length of his rope. "The boat!" gasped the woman. "Eh?" Mr.

"It's human lives we're saving to-night, not engines." "Gor lumme! Wots the use o' losin' the engine, too, I says. Any'ow, them rifles in there is more use to us 'ere than there at the trestle. An' I can't be savin' 'uman lives, women ones, in these togs." Murphy climbed back into the cab.

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