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"Bewitched!" said I, starting. "Ah! theer you stand wi' your 'ammer in your 'and a-starin' an' a-starin' at nobody, nor nothin' leastways not as 'uman eye can see, an' a-sighin', an' a-sighin' " "Did I indeed sigh, Ancient?" "Ah that ye did like a cow, Peter, or a 'orse 'eavy an' tired like.

If it was a bombardment with shrapnel, Tommy was not greatly concerned, for in trenches he is fairly safe from shrapnel fire. But if the shells were large-caliber high explosives, he crouched close to the front wall of the trench, lamenting the day he was foolish enough to become an infantryman, "a bloomin' 'uman ninepin!"

"What is 't they tak haud o' to misca' them for?" asked Malcolm. "It's no sae muckle," answered Peter, "for onything they du, as for what they believe or dinna believe. There's an 'uman frae Clamrock was o' their pairty the nicht.

"Whaur's the guid o' ca'in' ill names,'uman?" "Ill's the trowth o' them 'at's ill. What for no set ill names to ill duers?" "Cause a christian 's b'un' to destroy the warks o' the evil ane; an' ca'in' names raises mair o' them. The only thing 'at maks awa' wi' ill, is the man himsel' turnin' again' 't, an' that he'll never du for ill names. Ye wad never gar me repent that gait, Grizzie.

"And there's our George, a proper 'uman being, and can't be got to do a thing nohow." The band inside had stopped, beaten in the hard-fought contest with its rival at the far end of the procession, which thereupon broke out into throaty triumphant trumpet blasts and exultant roll of drums. Rufus clutched wildly at Robert's sleeve. "Oh, my word, just look at her! Oh, my word!"

Hae mercy upo' the auld sinner,'uman." The pace at which they were making up for lost time was telling upon Grizzie, and she was silent. When she spoke again it was upon another subject. "I cud jest throttle that grieve there!" she said. "To see 'im the nicht afore last come hame to the verra yett wi' Aggie, was enouch to anger the sanct 'at I'm no."

I wonder ye aint more 'uman like, seein' as yer fav'rite gel in the village was arskin' me t'other day if I 'adn't any yerb for to make a love-charm. 'Love-charm! sez I 'what does ye want that for, my gel? An' she up an' she sez 'I'd like to make Parson Arbroath eat it! Hor er hor er hor er! 'I'd like to make Parson Arbroath eat it! sez she. An' she's a foine strappin' wench, too!

Shrig as they strode along, "I vere the means o' four coves bein' topped d' ye see, 'ighvay robbery vith wiolence, 'bout a month ago, used to live round 'ere, they did, an' their famblies an' friends is windictive against me accordingly, an' werry nat'ral too, for 'uman natur' is only 'uman natur', ain't it? Werry good then.

They don't want to be laid in good old mother earth, which is the warm forcin' place o' the Lord for raisin' up 'uman souls as He raises up the blossoms in spring, an' all other things which do give Him grateful praise an' thanksgivin'! They gits theirselves burnt to ashes 'cos they don't want to be raised up, they'se never praised the Lord 'ere, an' they wouldn't know 'ow to do it there!

Monkeys, they are, rigged up in brown 'olland an' red braid, wot 'ave immytated 'uman beings till they've come to talk langwidge wot we can understand, and tumble to our meanings. 'Ow do you like me dress, Walty dear? An' me 'at? That chap what passed with the red mustash said to 'is friend as I looked a bit of fair all right, and no mistake.