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There was the landlords of 'arf the public-'ouses in Wapping, all smoking big cigars; two dock policemen in plain clothes, wot 'ad got the arternoon off one with a raging toothache and the other with a baby wot wasn't expected to last the day out. They was as full o' fun as kittens, and the landlord o' the Jolly Pilots pointed out to Ginger wot reasonable 'uman beings policemen was at 'art.

It was a load off my mind, and I went 'ome and ate a tea that made my missis talk about the work-'ouse, and orstritches in 'uman shape wot would eat a woman out of 'ouse and 'ome if she would let 'em. I got to the wharf just as it was striking six, and at a quarter to seven the wicket was pushed open gentle and the ugly 'ead of Mr. Joe Peel was shoved inside. "Hullo!" I ses. "Wot do you want?"

"Ah, I shouldn't wonder nasty-sort-o'-looking feller. And that Sannet Wood too nasty lonely place with its old stones and all comfortable? I don't think." Olva made inquiries as to the stones. "Why, ever so old, they say before Christ, I've 'eard. Used to cut up 'uman flesh and eat it like the pore natives, and there's a ugly lookin' stone in that very wood where they did it too, or so I've 'eard.

Blows, still referring to his foe's parents, and now endeavouring to make excuses for them "I s'pose they was so pleased, and so surprised when they found that you was a 'uman being, that they didn't mind anything else." He walked off with his head in the air, and the other men, who had partially suspended work to listen, resumed their labours.

"You see," he continued, "I have not the respect of you Engleesh for 'uman life. We will not argue it. I have at least some respect for prejudice. In my youth I had myself such prejudices; but one loses them on the Zambesi.

"I shud sartenly haf kaled on you a cordin too mi prommiss haddunt itt bin that hur lashipp prevent mee; for to bee sur, Sir, you nose very well that evere persun must luk furst at ome, and sartenly such anuther offar mite not have ever hapned, so as I shud ave bin justly to blam, had I not excepted of it when her lashipp was so veri kind as to offar to mak mee hur one uman without mi ever askin any such thing, to be sur shee is won of thee best ladis in thee wurld, and pepil who sase to the kontrari must bee veri wiket pepil in thare harts.

But I went off at night to Shklov. And when my uncle tried to catch me in Shklov, I went off to Mogilev; there I stayed two days and then I went off to Starodub with a comrade." Later on he mentioned in his story Gonel, Kiev, Byelaya, Tserkov, Uman, Balt, Bendery and at last reached Odessa.

They both of them had, at the bottom of their minds, the idea that the dead man on the high seat had defeated them, and that no luck lay in meddling with his treasure. "I 'ave my doubts whether that ugly Sergeant's 'uman himself," growled Neddy, as he hoisted his bulk into the car.

Blows, still referring to his foe's parents, and now endeavouring to make excuses for them "I s'pose they was so pleased, and so surprised when they found that you was a 'uman being, that they didn't mind anything else." He walked off with his head in the air, and the other men, who had partially suspended work to listen, resumed their labours.