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They go into the 'otels and work like niggers, knowing that if a single thing goes wrong they will be bully-ragged and sworn at till they don't know whether they are standing on their 'ead or their 'eels. But they 'ave their hours; the gal knows when 'er work is done, and when the clock strikes she is a 'uman being once again.

"Yes, sir, quite so; quite so, sir. And yet I believe, sir, if h-all money and lands was 'eld in common, the 'ole 'uman ryce would be as 'appy as the gentlemen and lydies on Bylow 'Ill!" The young husband met the physician cheerily, sent him up, and went back to his solitude. An hour passed, and then Sarah Stebbens knocked and leaned in. "Mr. Arthur!" "What, Sarah?" "Oh! I didn't see you.

There was the landlords of 'arf the public-'ouses in Wapping, all smoking big cigars; two dock policemen in plain clothes, wot 'ad got the arternoon off one with a raging toothache and the other with a baby wot wasn't expected to last the day out. They was as full o' fun as kittens, and the landlord o' the Jolly Pilots pointed out to Ginger wot reasonable 'uman beings policemen was at 'art.

"Yes," they heard him say, "this arn't by no means the furst taime I was in thaise seas. Good-even to ye, Mr Trevose and Mr Edgwyth! No; I tall 'ee I was 'ere in the zummer of 1582, just after the taime that that there bloody pirate, Jose Leirya, was sailing of these vury seas. 'E was a fiend in 'uman shape, if there ever was one; nobody was zafe in anny of the ships 'e tuk.

Coffee and cocoa and that's fine and warming of a morning; but when the afternoon do come, and you feels low " "Why should you feel low more in the afternoon than in the morning, Mrs. Bagley? There's no reason in that." "Ain't there, miss? There's a deal of 'uman nature, though.

"Goo'-bye, boy! 'Uman they are!" "'E'll 'ave a piece out of yer finger," warned Erb, the suspicious. "Wot, 'im!" Henry's voice was indignant. He seemed to think that his reputation as an expert on parrots had been challenged. "'E wouldn't 'ave no piece out of my finger." "Bet yer a narf-pint 'e would 'ave a piece out of yer finger," persisted the skeptic.

It states that since the ukase of November 13, 1844, i.e. in the course of a single year, more than two thousand schools of different grades were established in various cities of the Pale, with more than one hundred and eighty thousand pupils, not including the technical schools in Odessa, Riga, Kishinev, Vilna, and Uman, with their hundreds of students!

I goes up and looks into that there sinful eye. "You hulk o' misery," I says; "you willainous son of a abandoned sire!" You know, sir, I always likes to make a hoss feel real bad by telling him what's what, for they got intelligence. Mr. Selwyn, I should say, by Criky! a 'uman being ain't in the same stall as a hoss for intelligence. 'I think you may be right, said Selwyn decisively. 'May be?

Another long finger shake. "Yuna Nigger uman tell um, yuna runnin' yuna tongue in de kitchen, yuna runnin' yer tongue in de street. Now, instid ov de bocra bein' in de street in dey nite gown, yuna gwine ter be thar wid nuttin' on. Don't you no dat we ain't bin able ter by er gun er ounce powder in munts, an' de bocra got cannon an ebry ting. See how he'pliss yer is?

But, as for the average mistress well it ain't a gal she wants, it's a plaster image, without any natural innards a sort of thing as ain't 'uman, and ain't to be found in 'uman nature. And then she'd grumble at it, if it didn't 'appen to be able to be in two places at once." "You fear that the standard for that 'right girl' is likely to be set a trifle too high Mrs. Wilkins," I suggested.