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Updated: August 4, 2024

Oh! let me up!" "Hole your mout, and shpeak ven you is shpoken mit," said Johnny. "Tony, shpeak an' tell me. How vas it? You is cut off Matty's head; you is got de monish, five tollars, vat I tells you he is vort; now tell me what for you gifs dis five tollars to dis pad poy, a poy so vorse as I do not know. I vill haf you tell me; if no, I calls de police."

So mine wife, she say, 'yes, 'tis too pad to cut dat nice head, an' she leafs it on her, an' mine wife she comb an' prush it for Maddy. But I tells Maddy she shall sell dat head for so moosh as fife tollars if she schuse."

"What kind of a limit suits you?" "Anything from five cents to the sky," was the laughing reply. "Fix it to suit yourselves." Once more Gage and Snell exchanged glances. Bart stuck for a moderate limit, but he finally agreed to make it a dollar, the ante being five cents. "Vell, uf I had pad luck, I don'd last long at dot," said Hans. "I don'd haf more as four tollars und sefen cends."

"Dat's shust it," replied Mr. Swartz. "Ven I go mit te voman to te jail te jail man search her and find te monish in her pocket, and it vas te same monish as I had stolen off te safe. But te monish vas not all dere; over tirty tollars vas taken out of it, and dat vas vat dis voman sphent, and I " "That's enough, Mr. Swartz," interrupted the Mayor.

"Veil, I vill puy te pedstead," he said, and then enquired: "How much monish do you vant for it?" "What will you give me?" she asked. "I vill give you forty tollars for it," he replied. "It must be worth more than that," she remarked. "The price of everything is so increased that it appears to me as if the bedstead should command a higher price than that offered by you."

They go back some day, so many tollars, every day for work. No more," shaking his head in negation, "No, no more, b'gosh." Elizabeth grew anxious. She seized Mr. Ratowsky's coat sleeve. "But, Joe, tell me truly, is my father in danger? They won't hurt him?" "B'gosh, no. He safe like anything. They no mad like the tivil at him. Emery they mad at." "Is Mr. Emery there?" Again Joe shook his head.

The girl blushed, fumbled with her apron, and then replied, "Vell, you pay me four tollars a veek "Yes, and I really can't pay you any more." "It's not dot," responded the girl; "but I be villing to take tree tollars till till your husband gets vork." Even married life does not affect some people unpleasantly, or take away the fine spirit of their charity.

I have sold you my birthright, dear boy, for a mess of pottage a mere mess of pottage a paltry two hundred and fifty dollars." Ikey turned pale. "Pecky!" he cried, "who vas der fool mans und vat he means apoudt der dwo huntered und feefty tollars, hey?" "Well may you call me a fool, Ikey; I can't deny it. I can't even lift my voice in protest.

Now there is no more pain in my head. The pains in my pody are all gone away. I put mine hand in my pocket, and there ish twenty tollars. So I shall shtay mit de temperance." Theobald Mathew was an Irish priest. He was born in 1790, in a great house in Tipperary, where his father was the agent of a rich lord.

"It iss goot. Vor der boor man it iss it iss salfation. Mit fife huntret tollars und hiss two hants he can himself a home make und a lifing be sure off." Beside Hazel Lauer's wife absently caressed the blond head of her four-year-old daughter. "No, I don't think I'll ever get lonesome," she said. "I'm too glad to be here. And I've got lots of work and my babies.

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