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"As Cot is my judge," cried Morgan, "and my salfation, and my witness; whosoever has pilfered my provisions is a lousy, peggarly, rascally knave! and by the soul of my grandsire, I will impeach, and accuse, and indict him, of a roppery, if I did but know who he is."

"It iss goot. Vor der boor man it iss it iss salfation. Mit fife huntret tollars und hiss two hants he can himself a home make und a lifing be sure off." Beside Hazel Lauer's wife absently caressed the blond head of her four-year-old daughter. "No, I don't think I'll ever get lonesome," she said. "I'm too glad to be here. And I've got lots of work and my babies.

"What," said I, "Morgan, have you forgot your old messmate?" At these words he looked up again, and starting, cried, "As Cot is my sure it cannot yes, by my salfation, I pelieve it is my dear friend Mr. Rantom."

Rantum, my good sir, I believe, upon my conscience and salfation, is my very goot frient and well-wisher; and he and I have been companions and messmates and fellow-sufferers, look you; but nevertheless, for all that, peradventure he hath not pehaved with so much complaisance and affability and respect as I might have expected from him; pecause he hath revealed and tivulged and buplished our private affairs, without my knowledge and privity and consent; but as Got is my Safiour, I think he had no evil intention in his pelly; and though there be certain persons, look you, who, as I am told, take upon them to laugh at his descriptions of my person, deportment, and conversation, I do affirm and maintain, and insist with my heart, and my plood, and my soul, that those persons are no petter than ignorant asses, and that they know not how to discern and distinguish and define true ridicule, or, as Aristotle calls it, the to Geloion, no more, look you, than a herd of mountain goats; for I will make pold to observe and I hope this goot company will be of the same opinion that there is nothing said of me in that performance which is unworthy of a Christian and a shentleman."