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Updated: August 4, 2024

Vell vell a hundred tollars! Dot's a good deal of money." He had begun to wrap it up, tucking in the ends. "No dot Fudge dog don't bite go away, you. T'ank you for lettin' me see it, tell Mr. Blobbs, but I don't vant it at dot price. And I doan know I vant it at any price. Dey doan buy dem t'ings any more." Dalton saw that the mantilla had favorably impressed the dealer.

Dick waved his arms, wind-mill fashion in the quick effort to save himself. "Bresgott," observed the seated contractor, solemnly, "I bet you five tollars to den cents dot you " Here Schimmelpodt waited until Dick settled the question of the center of gravity by sprawling on the sidewalk. " -Dot you fall," finished the German, gravely. "I -Und I yin!" "Why, good morning, Mr.

I showed him my line but he said tome, 'Your styles are all right but your prices are too high. Vy, here is a hat you ask me twelf tollars for. Vy, I buy 'em from my olt house for eleven feefty. You cannot expect me to buy goods from you ven you ask me more than odders.

"I weel promees in the contract to geeve you one ten tousant tollars deux mille two tousant avery yare for fife yare. Très bien. My daughtare is educate; she stoody fife, seex yare in te convent at Montreal. Zhe play on piano evare so many tune. Bien. You come Monday. We weel zee. Adieu. I mean good-by, Mistare Sonee." "Adoo, musheer," said Dave, taking his hat and leaving.

Maybe if you " He re-examined it closely, especially the tear, which had partly yielded to Lady Barbara's deft fingers and tired eyes. "Vell, I tell you vot I do, I gif you tventy tollars." "That, I am afraid, will not answer my purpose," said Dalton.

"Now," said Pete, "ef I could find the feller that's a-helpin' them scoundrels rob us folks, I'd help stretch him to the neardest tree." "So vood I," said Schroeder. "I'd shtretch him dill he baid me my dree huntert tollars pack, so I vood." And Betsey Short, who had found the whole affair very funny, was transported with a fit of tittering at poor Schroeder's English.

I have a expert vid me who knows vat dis is vorth, but he is busy vid a customer on de next floor, and I doan sent for him. If you vant de tventy tollars you can have it. If you doan, den take avay de lace. I got a lot of t'ings to do more as to talk about it. Ven you see Blobbs, you tell him vat I say." Dalton's mind worked rapidly.

"Dot's it," answered the German youth calmly. "Ven dem udder fellers makes up pad verses I vos fine dem a tollar, und ven I gits enough tollars I skip me to Canada or Mexigo, hey?" And he said this so comically everybody had to laugh. The automobiles had been ordered down to the dock and were already in waiting.

"I didn't answer his question directly, but I said, 'Now, look here, Brother Mondheimer, suppose a man were to come into your store and want to buy a good suit of clothes. How much profit would you make? "'Aboud fife tollars, said he. "'Well, how long would you, yourself, spend on that man, trying to make a sale with him? "'Vell, I vood nod led him go until I solt him, said he.

Approaching Orderly Sergeant John T. Tucker, and lifting the flap of his cartridge box, which was empty, he said, "Bah, bah, mon Dieu; I dust know dot you ish been hunting de squirrel and de rabbit. Mon Dieu! you sharge yourself mit fifteen tollars for wasting sixty cartridges at twenty-five cents apiece. Bah, bah, mon Dieu; I dust report you to Sheneral Bragg."

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