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Ned passed a long day by the Guadalupe, keeping his place most of the time at the ford with the Ring Tailed Panther, who was far less patient than he. "My teeth an' claws will shorely get dull with me a-settin' here an' doin' nothin'," said Palmer. "I can roar an' I can keep on roarin' but what's the good of roarin' when you can't do any bitin' an' tearin'?"

For many a year 'twornt used, bein' so rough an' ready, but now there's such a crowd o' motors tearin, over Countisbury 'Ill, the carts takes it, keepin' more to theirselves like, an' savin' smashin'. Miss Tranter she knew what she was a-doin' of when she got a licence an' opened 'er bizniss.

But I have always made a practice of rippin' and tearin' and bastin', and settin' her right, and I did now. Wall, she hadn't hardly got out of the back door, when Josiah Allen came in in awful distress, he had got a thorn in his foot, he had put on an old pair of boots, and there wuz a hole in the side of one of 'em, and the thorn had got in through the hole.

My advice is to hide at the Garplefoot and stop the boats landin'. We'd have the tinklers on our flank, no doubt, but I'm not muckle feared o' them. It wouldn't be easy for the boats to get in wi' this tearin' wind and us firin' volleys from the shore." Sir Archie stared at him with admiration. "You're a hearty young fire-eater.

They have no right to make you girls work here at night." "Who's makin' us?" "We are going to force the factories to obey the letter of the law on our statute books." A thin, flushed girl stepped out of the crowd and faced her. "Say, who is 'we'?" "Why, all of us, the women of Whitewater." "How are we goin' to repay the women of Whitewater fer tearin' down our homes an' takin' away our jobs?

So, you see, Mr. Steele, if you decline to become the benefactor of Mr. Gordon's enemies, his money goes to yours!" "The old fox!" snarls J. Bayard. "Why I let me see that list again." It's no more'n gripped in his fingers than he steps back quick and begins tearin' it to bits. I'd jumped for him and had his wrists clinched when Judson waves me off.

"She's the Black Prophet's daughter," exclaimed the women; "an' if the devil was in her, she tould Tom Dalton nothing but the truth, at any rate." "An' they say the devil is in her, the Lord save us, if ever he was in any one keep away from her my sowl in Heaven! but she'd think no more of tearin' your eyes out, or stickin' you wid a case-knife, than you would of aitin' bread an' butther."

"No, Honor, I know he wouldn't; no," he shouted, leaping up, "he wouldn't make a saicrefize o' me! Connor, save me, save me," he shrieked, throwing his arms about his neck; "save me; my heart's breakin' somethin's tearin' me different ways inside; I can cry, you see; I can cry, but I'm still as hard as a stone; it's terrible this I'm sufferin' terrible all out for a weak ould man like me.

I was a servant to him, my dear! and there it was nine months nine months from the day he swear to protect and cherish and that nine calendar months, and my gentleman is off with another woman! Bone of his bone! pish!" exclaimed Mrs. Berry, reckoning her wrongs over vividly. "Here's my ring. A pretty ornament! What do it mean? I'm for tearin' it off my finger a dozen times in the day.

Don't reckon yourselves wiser than Natur', my billies. . . . As for steam trawlin', simmee, I han't heard so much open grievin' over it since Government started loans for motors. Come to think hey? there ben't no such tearin' difference between motors an' steam not on principle.