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"I heard ye talkin' to Dad, an' I ha'af looked you'd be swallered up, same's Jonah." Harvey protested himself red in the face. Dan was a shrewd young person along his own lines, and ten minutes' questioning convinced him that Harvey was not lying much.

"Bress de Lord! bress de Lord fur savin' ye!" she ejaculated, fervently, as she bent down over her tea-pot which was spouting odorous jets of steam from its place on the hearth; "'pears like dar wouldn't be nuffin left in dis ole house ef de sea had swallered ye, Mas'r Noll. Don't ye t'ank de Lord?" she asked, peering up into the boy's sober face.

Now, if you come up here spyin' an' snoopin', you git bumped off an' no argument about it. Mart's got his mother t' take care of an' we aim t' pertect Mart. If you're a Federal officer, I want t' know it here an' now. If yuh ain't, I want yuh t' sample some uh the out-kickin'est 'White Mule' yuh ever swallered. Now which are yuh, and what yuh goin' t' do?

Crickett," says she, "your wife will soon settle you as she did her other two: here's a glass o' rum, for I shan't see your poor face this time next year." I swallered the rum, called again next year, and said, "Mrs. Springrove, you gave me a glass o' rum last year because I was going to die here I be alive still, you see." "Well said, clerk! Here's two glasses for you now, then," says she.

As hearty as you like, and swallered his three pints of home-brewed every morning with his breakfast he did, till he was took off quite sudden in his four-score-and-ten twelve months ago come Michaelmas."

I thought I was dreamin', and only had wits enough to give a sort of permiscuous grab at him and call out: "'Oh, Lisha! ain't you drownded? He give a gret start at that, swallered down his sobbin', and sez as lovin' as ever a man did in this world: "'Bless your dear heart, Cynthy, it warn't me it was the pig; and then fell to kissin' of me, till betwixt laughin' and cryin' I was most choked.

The boys buried him decent while the sawbones was cuttin' what was left of my arm away, an' puttin' me to sleep with dope. It was a fool trick, after all, 'though God knows I'll never forget the look in Tom's eyes as he swallered that swig o' cool water. That's all, folks.

"There's two diseases which the doctors ain't got any license to monkey with," began Bill, chewing out blue smoke from his lungs with each word, "and they're both fevers. After they butt into your system they stick crossways, like a swallered toothpick; there ain't any patent medicine that can bust their holt." I settled against the door-jamb and nodded.

They kind o' fell from Heaven into our hands an' we got to look a'ter 'em faithful. Fust ye know ol' Herk 'll be movin' er swallered hull by the British an' the Injuns, like Jonah was by the whale, then what 'ud become o' her an' the Leetle Cricket? We got to look a'ter 'em." "I think my mother will be glad to give them a home," said Jack. "She really needs some help in the house these days."

And I wish you wouldn't wallop me on the back thataway. I most nigh swallered my tobacco." Johnson laughed loudly. "How do you like our track?" he asked. "Your track is all right," answered the old man, with just a shade of emphasis placed where it would do the most good. "A visitor don't seem to do very well here, though," he added. "The fortunes of war!" chuckled Johnson. "Ah, hah," said Curry.