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"What'd you come away from the ranch for?" demanded Bud, for Buck Tooth was a valued hand on a cattle place, and he had been left with the somewhat small force to take charge of Happy Valley when the others had started after the Yaquis. "What you doing here?" Bud wanted to know. "Me after 'em too Yaquis!" grunted the Indian. "Me catchum an' shootum same like um shoot me!"

Now listen, Mr. Injun you want to go home? You want to go see your squaw? Well, s'pose I let you loose, what you think you're going to do follow me up and shoot me for Lynch?" "No! No shootum for Lynchie!" denied the Apache vigorously. "Lynchie she say, busca mine! Busca gol' mine, savvy but 'nother man she say, you ketchum plenty money in pants."

Spose shootum big gun call them hin?" La Salle took the heavy piece, and was about to discharge it to leeward, when, from the very air above their heads, a voice seemed to call on them by name, "La Salle, Charley, Peter, ahoy!" La Salle dropped the butt of his gun, and listened. Again the voice sounded apparently nearer than before. "Charley, Peter, ahoy!" "That voice ole man Lund.

"If you've got a white man that's your friend, he might take your gold to town and buy whisky and jam." Injun Jim considered, his finger searching for more jelly. "White man no good for Injun, mebby. I dunno. Ketchum gol', mebby no givum. Tell all white mans. Heap mans come. White man horses eat grass. Drink all water. Shootum deer, shootum rabbit, shootum all damn time. Make big house.

Me your friend no shootum go home!" "Well, you'd better," warned Wunpost, "because next time I'll kill you. Oh, by grab, I nearly forgot!" He whipped out the butcher-knife which the Apache had flung at him and cropped off a lock of his hair. It was something he had promised Wilhelmina. Wunpost romped off down the canyon, holding the hair up like a scalp-lock which it was, except for the scalp.

In fact, an Indian named Tawabinisay, after seeing it perform, once borrowed it to kill a moose. "I shootum in eye," said he. By way of cooking utensils, buy aluminium. It is expensive, but so light and so easily cleaned that it is well worth all you may have to pay. If you are alone you will not want to carry much hardware.

You know for why, me thinkum. You think shame. I no take shame. I do for you no get kill-dead. All time Man-that-coughs try for shootum you. All time I try for " She broke off to stare questioningly up into his face. "I no tell, you no like for tell," she said quietly. "All same, you go. You ketchum you hoss, you go ranch. I think sheriff mans mebbyso come pretty quick. No find out you be here.

"Rachel. Peppajee, he my uncle." She glanced up at him shyly, then down to where the pliant toe of her moccasin was patting a tiny depression into the dust. "Bad mans like for shoot yo'," she said, not looking directly at him again. "Him up there, all time walk where him can look down, mebbyso see you, mebbyso shootum." "I know I'm going to ride around that way and round him up."

"In half an hour no boat on the island can reach them, even if men could be found to face certain death in a snow-storm out on the open Gulf." Peter rose to his feet, apparently almost hopeless. "Good by, Saint Peter's! Good by, Trois Lieues' Creek! Good by, Lund! Poor Peter no more shootum wild goose here." "Come, Peter, don't give it up so," said La Salle.

Before the echoes had died away others followed, until their resonance resembled continuous thunder. "Hiyu shootum!" said Simon. "You bet," the sheriff agreed. "I reckon the boys has got tired bein' moved on. Or else they been jumped sudden. That shootin's all of six miles off. Maybe more. It'll be plumb dark in no time. If there's no more shootin' it's settled by now.