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Grant no come Hartley, no drunk, no yell, no catchum you dog, no ride in Hagar's wikiup? You tell me, Viney." Viney and Lucy bobbed their heads rapidly up and down. Viney, with a sidelong glance at Hagar, spoke softly. "Good Injun Grant, mebbyso home Hartley," she admitted reluctantly, as if she would have been pleased to prove Hagar a liar in all things. "Me thinkum no drunk.

Me come ranch, me tellum Peaceful, him all time laugh, me. All time shakum head. Mebbyso thinkum I lie shont-isham!" "What more you do?" Good Indian, at least, did not laugh. "Me go camp. Me thinkum, thinkum all time. Dat man have bad heart. Kay bueno. No can sleep thinkum mebbyso do bad for Peaceful. Come ranch, stop all time dark, all time heap watchum.

Good Indian took note of the group before it stirred to activity, and murmured anxiety over the bandaged foot of Peppajee. "Me no can watchum more, mebbyso six days. Yo' no sleepum all time yo' walk no thinkum all time squaw. Mebbyso yo' think for man-snake. Mebbyso yo' watchum," Peppajee said, as he swung slowly down from Huckleberry's back. "All right.

She looked full at Evadna. "Yo' like see, me show whereum walk," she said grimly. "Good Injun boot make track, Squaw-talk-far-off little shoe make track. Me show, yo' thinkum mebbyso me tell lie. Stoppum in sagebrush, ketchum hair. Me ketchum knife Good Injun knife, mebbyso." Revenge mastered cupidity, and she produced that also, and held it up where they could all see. Evadna looked and winced.

"All time heap yell, heap shoot kay bueno. Wantum fight Man-that-coughs. Come all time camp, heap yell, heap shoot some more. I fetchum dog Viney dog heap dragum through sagebrush dog all time cry, no can get away me thinkum kill that dog.

"I nev' DID hear it!" said George. "I uz dess sittin' thinkum to myse'f an' she pop in my head 'lamiDAL, dess like 'at! An' she soun' so good, seem like she GOTTA mean somep'm!" "Come to think of it, I believe she does mean something. Why, yes " "Do she?" cried George. "WHAT she mean?" "It's exactly the word for the statue," said Bibbs, with conviction, as he climbed into the car.

His eyes turned, and dwelt sharply upon the face of Good Indian. "Yo' all time thinkum Squaw-with-sun-hair. Me tell yo' for watchum, yo' no think for watchum. Baumberga, him all same snake. Yo' think him all time catchum fish. HUH! Yo' heap big fool, yo' thinkum cat. Rattlesnake, mebbyso sleepum in sun one time. Yo' no thinkum bueno, yo' seeum sleep in sun.

No drinkum whisky all same now." He flipped a braid back over his shoulder, buttered generously a hot biscuit, and reached for the honey. "No brave no more kay bueno. All time ketchum whisky, get drunk all same likum hog. Heap lazy. No hunt no more, no fight. Lay all time in sun, sleep. No sun come, lay all time in wikiup. Agent, him givum flour, givum meat, givum blanket, you thinkum bueno.

"All time, yo' sleepum," he said, in the sonorous, oracular tone which he usually employed when a subject held his serious thought. "Peaceful Hart, him all same sleepum. All same sleepum 'longside snake. No seeum snake, no thinkum mebbyso catchum bite." He glanced down at his own snake-bitten foot. "Snake bite, make all time much hurt."

"No," Peaceful assented unhesitatingly, "you no tell lies, Peppajee. We good friends, many years." "Huh! Man-that-catchum-fish, him no yo' frien'. Shont-isham. All time him speakum lies tellum frien' yo', no frien'. Yo' no more tellum stop yo' wikiup. Kay bueno. Yo' thinkum frien'. All time him have bad heart for yo'. Yo' got ranch. Got plenty hay, plenty apple, plenty all thing for eat.