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He had seen Fyles approach Kate's home from his eyrie on the valley slope, and that hopeless impulse belonging to a weakly nature, that self-pitying desire to further lacerate his own feelings, had sent him seeking to intercept the man whom he felt in his inmost heart was his successful rival for all that which he most desired on earth.

If Willa Murdaugh was a self-pitying weakling, Gentleman Geoff's Billie was not, and she would see the game through! Because of all that the old name had meant she would not be a quitter, though her own happiness be forever lost. What was her happiness? she demanded wrathfully of herself. A side-bet, nothing more! She was out for bigger stakes than mere happiness, and she was playing to win.

But two or three glasses of champagne revived him temporarily, long enough for him to note the chilling contempt with which the other diners in the room regarded him. After indulging in a long volley of profanity, his mood underwent another change. He grew morose, introspective, self-pitying. "Nobody cares for me!" he whined. "They've all turned against me.

And then, in a moment, everything was changed. From sad, she became happy; from mournful and self-pitying, full of exquisite content. Looking up, Sylvia had seen the now familiar figure of Count Paul de Virieu hurrying towards her. How early he had left Paris! She had understood that he meant to come back by the last train, or more probably to-morrow morning.

The average invalid is not the patient sufferer people imagine. It is a fretful, querulous, self-pitying little world that we live in as a rule, and that we grow hard in. It gave me a new heart, nursing these young people. "The man pulled through, and began steadily to recover, but the wife was a wee slip of a girl, and her strength what there was of it ebbed day by day.

"Not about his heroism; he'd take that for granted. Not that he'd loved me; we both knew it. Not anything self-pitying or weak that would rouse my regret " "You know." His assertion was almost a question. "Somehow he's got his message across to you." She lowered her eyes and resumed her sewing. "I couldn't sleep last night.

This last made her faint, and of her fainting attacks pages might be written. The home of John Evanson was now a dreary place. It was a household subsidized to the whims of a self-pitying woman. Her loss of father, baby and mother had "wrecked her life." Husband, child, nurse, servants, were all under the blight of her enslaving self-commiseration.

The notion of flinging herself down for a self-pitying revel upon that bed, the other Mary's virginal little narrow bed had become unthinkable. The thing to do was to stop thinking. Quickly. She stripped off her suit and blouse, slipped on a pongee kimono that she got out of her hand-bag, unlocked her trunk and began discharging its contents all about the room.

So it came about that it was the convert of Little Zoar, and not the self-pitying youth searching for his lost boyhood, who escaped finally from the entanglements of Major Dabney's hospitality. On the way down the cliff path the fire burned and the revival zeal was kindled anew.

"Why weren't you at the door to meet me when I came back to-night with that-that in my pocket?" she asked him, his arm round her. "I've got a kicking lung, you know," he said, with a half ironical, half self-pitying smile. "Oh, forgive me, forgive me, Tom, my love!" she said as she buried her face on his breast.