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Kitty and Carrie and the lunch awaiting us with the ponies. These robust little animals were not miniature horses, but genuine ponies, with all the deviltry, endurance, and speed of their kind. They were jet-black, about waist high, and of great intelligence. They drew a neat little rig, capable of accommodating two, at a persistent rapid patter that somehow got over the road at a great gait.

The poor creature turned white and hurried away from us to get a better view of the chase, while Bigley and I climbed right up by degrees to the very highest point of the headland and sat upon the rocks watching the long chase, with the cutter, in spite of her superior rig and sailing powers, seeming to get no nearer to her prey, while the evening shadows were descending, and the two vessels kept growing more distant from the Gap.

Archie had been waiting impatiently for a cloudy day; he was very fond of trout-fishing, and he readily agreed to his cousin's proposal to "take a trip to Dungeon Brook," and they commenced pulling on their "hunting and fishing rig," as they called it, which consisted of a pair of stout pantaloons that would resist water and dirt to the last extremity, heavy boots reaching above their knees, and a blue flannel shirt.

When in the fever country I have my 'rig'" subtly she shaded the word "just the same. But I have a net a big net like a tent beneath which I sit. Does that satisfy you?" She spoke with the obvious painstaking patience that one uses to instruct a child, but with a veiled irony meant for an older intelligence. Kingozi laughed. "I do appear to catechize you, don't I? But I am interested.

And have him 'phone Doc Crandall to come to Kiska's house in Little Poland. I'll take Kiska home in my rig when his bellows gets well under way." Graves did his errand, outlining the disaster and rescue as he hurried with the quarry owner to the scene. Joe Hilliard was divided between sympathy for Kiska, whom he declared was the pick of his men, and admiration for Shelby's presence of mind.

"We'd better go down below," said Mr. Hume. "Not I," said Venning. "I had enough of down below last night; I'm going to sleep on deck, sir." "Ditto," said Compton, emphatically; "and I don't see why we all should not camp out aloft. We could easily widen the platform, rig up the waterproof sheets as a tent, and haul up some mould to make a fireplace."

No, I see, it has to be free so as to move all the time. Still " As he staggered to and fro at the end of the tiller, the boy thought rapidly. Finally he recommenced: "Job this may sound foolish to you but why couldn't we lash her on both sides, and yet give her play look this way! Rig a little pulley here and one here " He indicated places on the deck, close to the rail on either quarter.

They came next morning. The best rig was selected, and the two friends started for the seashore. In eight days they were back at Port Natal, having made the round trip in twenty-eight or twenty-nine days. On arriving at the seashore they found that no steamer was in port bound North, but there was a fine steamer in the roadstead that was to sail next day for Melbourne, Australia.

As Bud nodded, Tom went on, "So we simply step up the volume till the sub's own noise gets drowned out or 'wasted' in all the racket." This could be done, he concluded, with fairly simple amplifying equipment. Bud, Hank, and Arv were jubilant at the idea. "Nice going," Bud said. "How soon can we give it a try?" "Soon as I can rig up the amplifier," Tom promised.

"He said this young cub needed looking after, or King your father, Mrs. Carleton would have him by the heels. I thought I'd better come and see what particular brand of er "As for the motor, I might make shift to take it back myself, seeing Potter hasn't got a rig here to meet me. And if you'd like a little jaunt in the Shasta, you four, you're welcome to her for a couple of weeks or so.