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Updated: August 17, 2024

Rendall have that man?" My cousin stared at me. "I shouldn't take the responsibility myself, but I daresay if I were lunatic enough to back him up, the powers that be might agree." "Jack!" I exclaimed, "I'll be the alcoholic patient!" For a moment I thought my cousin's eyes were going to start out of his head. Then they subsided and a grin began to steal over his face instead.

Please don't mistake me for an intelligent enquirer." I turned the brave smile on to Miss Rendall. She smiled back very slightly. In her face I seemed to read a trace of scepticism; as if she did not quite agree with my modest estimate of myself, but at the same time thought none the better of me. I would have given a good deal to know exactly what was in her mind. Did she suspect something?

"There are none to confide in," I assured him, "except Miss Rendall and she is one of the suspected; whatever Jack's gallantry may say." "My gallantry is a thing of the past," said Jack, "I suspect everybody in that d d place. And I'd advise you to do the same." "Everybody!" echoed Sir Francis. "And confide in no one."

This may not sound convincing on paper, but it did as she said it. I was almost ready, in fact, to swear by Jean Rendall now. "And so you made sure of Thomas Hobhouse!" I said. "But why then didn't you unmask him at once?" "Oh, but it wasn't my business to! Of course I had guessed what you were doing here " "What?" "Trying to rid our island of traitors of course!

And I hope you get decent fellows as a rule, doctor. It would be very unpleasant otherwise." "It is," said Dr. Rendall with distinct emphasis. "I trust I won't be a nuisance," said Mr. Hobhouse anxiously. "Oh, no, no," said the doctor hurriedly, "I was thinking of " He broke off, and his amiable guest tactfully changed the subject.

Next morning was equally chilly and dismal, and after the doctor went out to visit a case, I sat over the fire resolved to stay there till Mr. Bolton came and explained himself. I stayed there all morning, but he never came, and no more did Dr. Rendall. Our dinner hour approached and passed, and at last I sat down and had my meal alone.

Rendall had apparently lived much abroad but he dropped no hint as to whether he had sojourned in foreign parts for reasons of pleasure, health, or business. In fact he was close as a clam on the subject, and, indeed, on every other subject.

"Jack!" commanded our uncle, "this is a matter I think I could handle rather better than a hot-headed young man." Rendall, perhaps you will be good enough to keep watch over our prisoner for a few minutes while we are gone. Roger, give the doctor your pistol. If we hear you fire, doctor, we'll be out in a few seconds. Jack and Roger, come along with me."

That was my own face, and my own hair, and, I presumed, my own natural latent idiocy blinking behind those glasses. I turned away from the mirror with mingled feelings. Rendall. The more I saw of him, the more favourably on the whole the man impressed me. He was a gentleman and seemed a good fellow.

Do you mind going down to the boat, Roger, and sending up a party? You can find your way in the dark?" "I'll make a shift to." "Perhaps if Miss Rendall is going home she might put you on the right road," he suggested. "Of course I will!" said Jean. As I left him, Jack pressed my hand and whispered, "Never say again I'm not tactful, Roger!

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