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At dusk he led Whitey to a broad common at the edge of town, and spoke to him finally. "G'on 'bout you biz'nis," said Abalene; "you ain' MY hoss. Don' look roun'at me, 'cause I ain't got no 'quaintance wif you. I'm a man o' money, an' I got my own frien's; I'm a-lookin' fer bigger cities, hoss. You got you biz'nis an' I got mine. Mista' Hoss, good-night!"

I did go and had a sight on her, and there, to be sure, was Munro's wife, though her I did see, I'll be sworn, in among the rocks where they shut us up." "And was Munro there?" "Where in the rocks?" "No in the tavern? You say his wife had come back did he trust himself there?" "I rather guess not seeing as how he'd stand a close chance of 'quaintance with the rope.

Overtop; but I don't mind tellin' you, that, after what had 'curred, I thought that Mr. Wilkeson's quaintance with Pet had better be stopped. I take all the 'sponsibility of it. We must make it up, by thinkin' all the more of him now." At the suggestion of Overtop, a servant, with Mrs. Crull's carriage, was now sent for Marcus, and soon returned with him.

"Pray think of it as favorably as you can," he said, as they shook hands at parting. "Putty nice kind of a man," remarked David when John came back; "putty nice kind of a man. 'Bout the only 'quaintance you've made of his kind, ain't he? Wa'al, he's all right fur 's he goes. Comes of good stock, I'm told, an' looks it. Runs a good deal to emptins in his preachin' though, they say.

It was during these hours of loneliness and dejection, while my husband was absent examining farms in the neighbourhoods that I had the good fortune to form an quaintance with Mrs. C , a Canadian lady, who boarded with her husband in the same hotel. My new friend was a young woman agreeable in person, and perfectly unaffected in her manners, which were remarkably frank and kind.

We'll stop by the cottage down here and see Miss Jierdon; then I'm gone!" "She no there. She, what-you-say, smash up 'quaintance with Medaine. She ask to go there and stay day or two." "Then she'll straighten things out, Ba'tiste. I'm glad of it. She knows the truth about this whole thing every step of the way. Will you tell her?" "Oui.

"Oh si but thees is a land that I have a quaintance with: I know thees land thees art." "Have you ever been here before?" "Si yes. I lif here once when a child." "Oh, you lived here," said Katie. "Well, now, do you know, I call that awfully funny." "My padre he lif here in thees castello. I lif here one time one anno one year, in thees castello." "What! here in this castle?" "Yes, here.

The substance of this advice seemed good to Abalene, especially as the seventeen dollars and sixty cents in his pocket lent sweet colors to life out of jail at this time. At dusk he led Whitey to a broad common at the edge of town, and spoke to him finally. "G'on 'bout you biz'nis," said Abalene; "you ain' my hoss. Don' look roun' at me, 'cause I ain' got no 'quaintance wif you.

I had de pleasure of yer 'quaintance afore me and marster started on our trabels." "I've been alone here eber since," explained Victoria, not proof against his fascinations. "I'm sure yer haint altered a bit, Mr. Dolf." "I guess if yer don't go upstairs miss'll know why," cried Clorinda, sharply. "Jes give me dat pan, Mr. Dolf; I kint wait all day for you to empty it."

Did ever mortal see sich an uncivilized trick? roared Watchorn; adding, as he climbed on to his horse again, and went spluttering through the frozen turnips after the offender, 'You've no 'quaintance with Lord John Manners, I think! 'Oh dear! oh dear! exclaimed he, as his horse nearly came on his head, 'but this is the most punishin' affair I ever was in at.