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As I said, we had a happy growin' time at the Reunion, Josiah bein' in fine feather to see the relation on his side presentin' such a noble appearance. And like a good wife I sympathized with him in his pride and happiness, though I told him they didn't present any better appearance than the same number of Smiths would.

And in a jiffy he's back at the curb, presentin' that armful of roses to Tessie of the tabasco tongue, and doin' it as graceful and dignified as if he was handin' 'em to a Pittsburgh Duchess. He don't wait for any thanks, either; but takes me by the arm and hurries off.

Mayor," answers Billy, slow and vicious, "if there was any chance of presentin' you with a silver cradle, I'd save it up and subscribe." After that there was nothing more to say. It hurt the poor soul terrible, and she went upstairs again and cried as she went.

It is curious how things will lay around in a man's memory, every now and then startin' up and presentin' themselves, ready to be talked about reeled off as it were, and then how quietly they coil themselves away, to lay there, till some new sight, or sound, or idea, or feelin' stirs 'em into life, and they come up again fresh and plain as ever.

Is it de de fortin? Oh, you should have seen her pout w'en I ax dat. Her mout' came out about two inch from her face. I could hab kissed it but for de broken ribs. "`No, Peter, for shame! says she, wid rijeous indignation. `De fortin hab nuffin to do wid it, but your own noble self-scarifyin' bravery in presentin' your buzzum to de Dey ob Algiers.

He hastened to do this to keep Pierre from taking it. Then, while he fanned her, he said, "Is dat so, Miss Lily, dat Mr. Pier is give you a buggy? Dat sholy is a fine Christmas gif' it sho' is. An' sence you fin' yo'se'f possessed of a buggy, I trust you will allow me de pleasure of presentin' you wid a horse to drive in de buggy."

Guns moved by sweat, force, will and hand-power, were wrestled around the banks to attend to the Undine. And after a brisk duel her officers and crew abandoned her. "We got us a navy," Kirby announced when he brought their order to leave the picket post. "The Yankees sure are kind, presentin' us with a couple of ships jus' outta the goodness of their hearts."

Before I went any further I had to settle that point, and while I ain't strong for payin' visits through the iron bars I was up early next mornin' and down presentin' my pass. "You cub lawyers give me shootin' pains in the neck!" grumbles the turnkey that tows me in. "How'd you guess I wa'n't the new District Attorney?" says I. "Here, have a perfecto for that pain."

"But you'll have to learn Italian, Kid." "I'm goin' to. Say, ain't they taking us a hell of a ways today, Skinny?" "We're goin' to Passy Wharf to unload rock," said somebody in a grumbling voice. "No, it's a cement...cement for the stadium we're presentin' the French Nation. Ain't you read in the 'Stars and Stripes' about it?"

"Now, Aunty! Please!" breaks in Verona, shruggin' her shoulders expressive. "Verona, kindly be silent," goes on Aunty. "This young person known as Torchy has " When in drifts Selma and sticks out the silver card plate like she was presentin' arms. "What is it?" asks Aunty. "Oh!" Then she inspects the names.